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This time we propelled her triumphantly, but very slowly, to the other side, where landing was comparatively easy. We had found in her two rough wooden paddles. I had, by this time, been exposed stark naked to the sun for over five hours. I felt and no doubt looked like a raw beefsteak. Maclean's foot had got severely hurt in the course of his adventure, and he was much bruised and battered.

They did not, however, see much beyond the Syrian colony behind the main Turkish defences, and the first view of Jerusalem by the troops of the British Army was obtained by General Maclean's brigade when they advanced from Biddu to Nebi Samwil, that crowning height on which many centuries before Richard the Lion Heart buried his face in his casque and exclaimed: 'Lord God, I pray that I may never see Thy Holy City, if so be that I may not rescue it from the hands of Thine enemies.

The John and Pauline whaler put them ashore at Levuka, and I can tell you I went to bed with a bad head that night." "What did you do with Miss Maynard's I beg her pardon Mrs. Colonel Maclean's letter?" "Posted it to her, and this is what I got in reply," and he showed him the note he had exhibited to his friend Tom Craig. Barry read it with a smile of contempt. "What's the other news, Watson?"

Margaret MacLean's cheeks flamed; she shrank into herself, her whole being acutely alive to their thoughts. The scared little-girl look came into her face. "Perhaps perhaps," she stammered, pitifully, "after what I have said you would rather I did not stay on in charge of Ward C?" The Dominating Trustee rose abruptly. "Mr. President, I suggest that we act upon Miss MacLean's resignation at once."

Here he found a handful of negroes boatmen and house servants basking in the sunlight. Juba was of the number, and at MacLean's call scrambled to his feet and came to the head of the steps. "No, sah, Marse Duke not on de place. He order Mirza an' ride off" a pause "an' ride off to de glebe house. Yes, sah, I done tol' him he ought to rest. Goin' to wait tel he come back?"

The following is Lieutenant Maclean's personal narrative of his mission. "Yougroo, Boollam, March 3rd, 1827. "I left Freetown tins morning in the Government barge, with Mr. After taking possession, I was visited by the different chiefs and head men, who came to pay their respects, or, as they phrase it, to do service to me, as representing the Governor of Sierra Leone.

He is declared by one authority to have paid ten thousand pounds of the demand; by another that fact is doubted, since, when Sir John Maclean's guardians investigated it, no receipts for sums alleged to have been paid on account were to be found. But this is again accounted for by the seneachie or family historian.

He was discharged as soon as a doctor's certificate was procured of the state of the wounded man, and bail was given for his appearance at the assizes. Maclean's trial came on at the assizes, and he was found guilty by a Jamaica Jury; he was severely reprimanded for his inhuman conduct and fined thirty pounds.

This, he thought, might have been effected upon the forfeiture of the Marquis of Argyle to the Crown, when he considered that an opportunity might have been afforded to Maclean's guardians to release their ward from Argyle's hands, by a transaction with certain creditors of that nobleman, to whom the sum claimed by Argyle from Maclean had been promised, but never paid.

Bagpipes, not lyres, the Highland hills adorn, MacLean's loud hollo, and MacGregor's horn. John Cooper's Reply to Allan Ramsay.