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I shall not put you in bonds but shall parole you, because I see you are a belted knight, and you treated my brother well." "My word!" replied Macko. Having informed him who he was, Macko inquired whether he would be permitted to go to the hut and warn his nephew against any mad action. His request was granted.

Macko sat on the truckle-bed, because he could not stand on account of his feebleness; for a while he breathed heavily and finally said: "The castellan said: 'If you wish to divide your land, or attend to your household, then I will release your nephew for a week or two on his knightly word, but for no longer." Zbyszko was so much surprised, that for a while he could not say a word.

"How dare you speak so? Are you a belted knight and not a servant?" "I am a servant, but I serve my lady; that is the reason why I am watching that no evil betide her." Macko reflected gloomily, because he was not satisfied with himself.

The Bohemian smiled at Macko's greed which often betrayed him. "The young lord need not consider such trifles now," he said, "Spychow is a large estate." "It is a large estate; what of it, it is not yet his." "Then whose is it?" Macko rose from his seat. "Speak! and Jurand?" "Jurand is a prisoner, and dying, in the hands of the Knights of the Cross.

But by all means it will be better for the girl to be as far away from the two murderers as possible, and at the same time to be as near the rich abbot as possible. Macko firmly believed that Danusia would never be rescued from the Knights of the Cross, alive. And the hope that Zbyszko would return home as a widower and most likely take to Jagienka, never left him." "Ah!

"Only look at this people," said Macko. "Surely, surely; but I have an idea that I will communicate to the young lord." "Even if you have ten ideas, I do not care. You cannot overthrow the walls with pikes." Macko pointed toward the lines of pikes, with which most of the warriors were provided; then he asked: "Did you ever see such soldiers?"

My uncle will remain and he will avenge me when the envoy's mission is ended." "We shall hear first what he says to Macko," answered Powala. And Macko really went to see the German; but he returned as gloomy as the night and went directly to the king, to whom he was presented by the castellan, himself.

From such a fellow anything might be expected, as you know. He is very bitter against me because I spoiled his game with Jagienka." "Whom you reserve for your nephew," burst out young Wilk. Macko looked at him and held him under his cold gaze for a moment, then he turned to the old man and said quietly: "You know, my nephew married a rich Mazovian proprietress and took considerable dower."

Moreover, the priest finally told Macko that old Zygfried no more threatens Jurandowna, because he is afraid; and although he ordered somebody else to harm her, nothing will happen to her as long as Diedrich lives; he will not permit it, especially as he has already protected her once." "But does the priest know where they have taken her?"

When the Bohemian observed them, he wished to approach and show the net which he had attached to his helmet, then wish her good-bye once more, but Father Kaleb and old Tolima, who came to give him advice for his journey, interrupted him. "Go first to the court of Prince Janusz," said the priest. "Perhaps Pan Macko stopped there.