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Hammered gold it was five pound weight, like a hoop of a barrel. "'Peachey, says Dravot, 'we don't want to fight no more. The Craft's the trick, so help me! and he brings forward that same Chief that I left at Bashkai Billy Fish we called him afterwards, because he was so like Billy Fish that drove the big tank-engine at Mach on the Bolan in the old days.

He moved to go, one hand on Gargoyle's unresponsive shoulder, when the office door swung open. "Now this is real trouble," laughed a woman's fresh, deep-chested voice. "Doctor Mach, it means using one of your tall measuring-glasses or permitting these lovely things to wilt; some one has inundated us with flowers. I've already filled one bath-tub; I've even used the buckets in the operating-room."

She admirably illustrates the modern tendency in art toward individual expression a tendency which permits the following of original methods, and affords an outlet for energy and strength of temperament. Fräulein Mach has made a name in both portrait and genre painting.

"She likes you, then?" "Of course she does." "I knew she would, she was bound to love you. But I don't know about the Ogre," and she shook her head. "But there! I must run. We don't want to be late for the train. That will put Daddy out. And I must stop and see Tom at the doctor's, too." "I hope you will find your brother ever so mach better," cried Ruth, as her friend ran down the walk again.

Although I do not hold, with Mach and James and the "new realists," that the difference between the mental and the physical is merely one of arrangement, yet what I have to say in the present paper is compatible with their doctrine and might have been reached from their standpoint.

On returning to my Chamber I spent a pleasant hour planing my maid-of-honor gown, which I considered might be blue to mach my eyes, with large pink hat and carrying pink flours. The next morning father and I breakfasted alone, and I said to him: "In case of festivaty in the Familey, such as a Wedding, is my Allowence to cover clothes and so on for it?"

In front of us there was a lady with beautiful hair and diamond grasshoppers in it; her two daughters sat on either side of her. Everything was conducted in the dark and it was evident that the audience was strung up to a high pitch of expectant emotion, for, when I whispered to Frau von Mach, the officer on my left said, "Hush!" which I thought extremely rude.

I shall translate and put into the appendix Guicciardini's character of Alexander from the Storia di Firenze. In the sentences which close the 11th chapter of the Prince. Mach. Prince, ch. xvii.

He had known her so long, she had somehow grown into his life by habit, that he would expect the pleasure of her society without thinking mach about it. Latterly he never thought of her without thinking of Ruth, and if he gave the subject any attention, it was probably in an undefined consciousness that, he had her sympathy in his love, and that she was always willing to hear him talk about it.

Van den Berg himself was received at the prince's head, quarters with much cordiality. He was quite blind; but his wound seemed to be the effect of exterior contusions, and he ultimately recovered the sight of one eye. There was mach free conversation between himself and his cousins during the brief interval in which he was their guest.