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Rip started to thank the Scot, but his stomach suddenly turned over, and black dizziness flooded in on him. He heard MacFife's sudden exclamation, felt hands on him. White light blinded him. He shook his head and tried to keep his stomach from acting up. A voice asked, "Were you shielded from those nuclear blasts?" "No," he said past a constricted throat. "Not from the last.

Such help was always given, because no commander could be sure when he might need help himself. "I agree," the Connie commander said with obvious reluctance. "You may send a boat." MacFife's Scotch burr broke in. "Federation SCN Aquila to Consolidation Sixteen. Mister, my instruments are off scale, too. I'll just send them along to ye, and ye can check them while ye're doing the Sagittarius!"

We have had an unfortunate accident to our astrogation instruments, and we wish to come aboard to compare them with yours." Rip laughed outright. Every cruiser carried at least four sets of instruments. There was as much chance of all of them being knocked off scale at once as there was of his biting a cruiser in half with bare teeth. MacFife's voice came on the air.

They stopped at a valve where spacemen were waiting. With them was an officer who carried a big case. "The instruments," MacFife said, pointing. "We've tinkered with them a bit, just to make it look real." "But why do you want to board the Connie?" MacFife's eye closed in a wink. "Ye'll see." There was a slight bump as the cruiser touched the Connie.