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Charker cries, directly: "Sergeant Drooce, dispatch me on that duty. Give me the two men who were on guard with me to-night, and I'll light the fire, if it can be done." "And if it can't, Corporal " Mr. Macey strikes in. "Look at these ladies and children, sir!" says Charker. "I'd sooner light myself, than not try any chance to save them."

"And I'm glad you did, sir. We'll try to turn the laugh on Fordham." "Then you think you can beat 'em?" "No, sir. We never think we can. We always know that we can! That's the Gridley way -the Gridley spirit. We always win our battles before we go into them, Mr. Macey. We make up our minds that we can't and won't be beaten. It isn't just brag, though.

I submitted all this to my friends Simeon Macey and Charley Coffin, of Nantucket, both messmates of mine in a certain voyage, and they united in the opinion that the reasons set forth were altogether insufficient. Charley profanely hinted they were humbug. Be it known that, waiving all argument, I take the good old fashioned ground that the whale is a fish, and call upon holy Jonah to back me.

For I feel so set up and comfortable as niver was, when I've been and heard the prayers, and the singing to the praise and glory o' God, as Mr. Macey gives out and Mr.

Macey, I told him how the three men of the guard would be at the gate directly, if they were not already there, and how Sergeant Drooce and the other seven were gone to bring in the outlying part of the people of Silver-Store.

We base all our positiveness on the way that we stick to our training and coaching, and on our discipline. Mr. Macey, this is the third year that I've been playing on different Gridley High School teams. I remember a tie game, but no defeats." "I guess Fordham will find it a hard enough proposition to down you young men," remarked Mr. Macey.

Fordham had dropped several of its original players, putting in heavier or better men, and a new coach had been employed. The Fordham boys were now believed to be able to put up a strenuous game. "I hope you're going to win, Prescott," said Mr. Macey, meeting Dick on the street one afternoon not long before Thanksgiving. "Have you any doubts, sir?" smiled the captain of the Gridley team.

Together the chums joined the crowd. "You'll have to get a steeplejack for the job, Mr. Macey," the chums heard one man advise the real estate operator. Only one was known. His home was some forty miles away. Mr. Macey tried patiently to get the man over the long distance telephone. Some member of the man's family answered for him.

The real estate man looked over the bauble that had placed two manly lives in such desperate jeopardy. The fabric was much torn, but all the precious stones still appeared to be there. Mr. Macey folded the scarf and placed it in one of his own inner pockets. "Now, let us get down out of here," begged the real estate man. "This place is giving me the horrors."

Macey Lagoon would make a splendid harbour for small vessels, very large vessels not being able to cross the bar. On the eastern side, a bank runs out for nearly a mile, on which the sea breaks; close in by western shore is a good passage. The great work of the day was feasting and sleeping.