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"What?" snapped Ivy. "Your old father's just talking for your own good. You're breaking your ma's heart. You and me have been good pals, haven't we?" "Yes," said Ivy, grudgingly, and without looking up. "Well now, look here. I've got a proposition to make to you. The season's over in two more weeks. The last week they play out of town.

Lee studied the lines of his finely molded face and neck and throat. A handsomer boy of ten he had never seen. He pressed his arm closer and held him a moment until he looked up with a tear glistening in his blue eyes. "Tell me, sonny " "My Ma's been cryin' all day, sir, and I want to do somethin' to help her " He paused and his voice failed. "What has she been crying about?"

"The baby, he's got colic, and ma's just wild, and he's all black in the face." Ma went, feeling that the stars in their courses fought against a woman who was trying to do her duty by her husband. But first she admonished Pa. "I shall have to let you go alone. But I charge you, Pa, not to bid on anything on ANYTHING, do you hear?"

"I guess you wouldn't talk about bein' slow, Jason Day, if you was arrested," Aunt 'Mira interjected. "Ma's right," said Marty. "Mebbe they'll put him in the cell under the Town Hall 'fore you kin get downtown." "There ain't no sech haste as all that," stated Uncle Jason. "What's the matter of you folks?" He spoke rather testily, and Janice looked at him in surprise.

I drank my coffee, and then took the big sponge out of the chair and put the cushion in the place of it, and then I put the sponge in the bath room, and I went up to Pa and Ma's room, and asked them if I should go after the doctor, and Pa had changed his clothes and got on his Sunday pants, and he said, 'never mind the doctor, I guess we will pull through, and for me to get out and go to the devil, and I came over here.

It was perhaps a half hour later that Ma Briskow heard a sound that caused her to rise upon her elbow and listen with astonishment. It was the sound of low, indistinct, but joyous singing; it came from Allie's room. Allie singing again! What could have happened? Slowly Ma's face became wistful, eager. "Oh, Mister Fairy King!" she whispered. "Please build up his castle again. You can do it.

I will come if you do not take me to Ma's house." He was taken to "Ma," who on hearing the evidence ordered him to be conveyed to Duke Town. Then she loosed him from his chains and sat down with him alone in the house for the whole afternoon. The doors and windows were open, and all he had to do was to strike her down and fly. But she showed no fear.

Pa was a field hand. One time traders come round and ma's owner wanted to sell her and his wife objected. She wasn't sold that time. I don't know if she was sold or not. I was a little boy when it was all over. I left South Carolina in 1888. Ma was a part Red Indian and pa was a half Black Creek Indian. I had two children before I left South Carolina. I was married back there.

Pillsbury give mamma something?" she demanded; for Eyebright had learned to feel a great respect for medicine, and to believe that it must be able to cure everybody. Wealthy shook her head. "It ain't no use specylating about more medicines," she said, "your ma's taken shiploads of 'em, and they ain't never done her any good that I can see.

That was the first time I got out. Of course they sent one of the boys along with me but he would not tell on me. "I never slept in a bed until I was twenty-two years old. Never was with any colored people until I was grown. My play was with white children. My father was a white man. He was my ma's old master and they was Neals. They kept my hair cut off like a boy's all the time.