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I know, 'ca'se I wus dar m'se'f. But dat night when I had gone to bed an' wus gittin' off to meh fus' nap, I was woke up on a sudden by de noise uv a gre't stompin' an' trompin' an snortin' in de road. I jump up an' look out de winder, an' I 'clar' 'fo' Gracious if dar warn't Mose, natchel as life, horses an' hack an' all, tearin' by at a break-neck speed.

"Wasn' dere no tullyphome message? I done heard it mahse'f, sah, an' Ah done give it to yo' same as Ah heard it m'se'f, sah." "Then you did not know of any trick to get the best of me?" "No, sah, 'deed Ah didn't, sah." The man spoke so earnestly that Jack was convinced that he was telling the truth and believed him.

Then I hollered out: 'Go it ole, fly-ketcher you're as good for tad-poles as you is for bird-eggs' an' I lit out through the wood." Ozzie B. burst out crying: "Oh, Archie B., do you reckin the po' man got hurt?" Archie B. replied by kicking him in the ribs until he ceased crying. "Say yo' prayers now and go to sleep. I'll kick you m'se'f, but I'll lick anybody else that does it."

He had heard rumours of the mill-owner's desire to build an addition to his mill. To do this would necessitate the acquisition of contiguous property. But Pop had not suspected any ulterior motive when the miller had offered to lend him the money. "I kin soon lay by 'nuff t' pay off d' mohgage, w'en I ain't got no one but m'se'f t' puvvide foh no moah," he had said, after the loan had been made.