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Thus for a space they stood. Philip broke the silence. "I love her, Jean," he spoke softly. "Every one loves her, M'sieur. All our forest people call her 'L'Ange." "And still you say there is no hope?" "None." "Not even if we fight ?" Jean's fingers tightened about his like cords of steel.

"Then show me the otter," said the general. "Oh M'sieur le comte, my grandpa has hidden it; but it was kicking still when we were at work at the rope-walk. Send for my grandpa, please; he wants to sell it to you himself." "Take him into the kitchen," said the countess to Francois, "and give him his breakfast, and send Charles to fetch Pere Fourchon.

"I understand that M'sieur is all this time talking to me of his own business, while mine, l

"Au revoir, M'sieur le Peintre, et bon voyage, and remember, 'Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you shall find," and with these cryptic words, he stood with uplifted hands, a smile irradiating his fine ascetic face glowing like that of a saint.

"And now, M'sieur, when may I come to take little Napoleon home to his mother?" Thus it came about that Napoleon was the first to go. Amid great pomp and ceremony, he departed from the home of the many Bingles on a bright, clear day in December, shortly after banking hours, attended by his own mother and father. Christmas was drawing near.

"Oh!-h!" breathlessly, "'h! M'sieur Frowenf' you walkin' so faz!" "Oh!" echoed Frowenfeld, "I did not know what I was doing." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the lady, "me, too, juz de sem lag you! attendez; wait." They halted; a moment's deft manipulation of a veil turned it into a wrapping for her neck. "'Sieur Frowenfel', oo dad man was? You know 'im?"

"Ah!" exclaimed the old woman. "You see, poor girl, she believes herself innocent! They all do." "But why is she here?" I demanded fiercely. "I do not know, m'sieur. It is not my duty to inquire the history of their crimes. When they are ill I nurse them; that is all." "And who is the commandant of this fortress?" "Colonel Smirnoff.

"You were guilty. In your heart you were guilty. In your soul you were guilty. M'sieur Cain himself was not more guilty than you! "You were more guilty than mon Rafe, for he had suffered more from that man. He was hunted. He was desperate, crazy! You were cool. You were ready. Only mon Rafe was a little quicker, because he was desperate. Before the Good God you were more guilty.

And folding my arms I kept my eyes intently upon his, so that he should not see that I wavered. "As for the responsibility, I certainly do not fear that, m'sieur," he said. "But the exposure that will result are you prepared to face that?" I asked. "Perhaps you are not aware that others beside myself one other, indeed, who is a diplomatist is aware of my journey here?

M. Jules St.-Ange stood long, gazing at the receding vessel as it now disappeared, now reappeared beyond the tops of the high undergrowth; but, when an arm of the forest hid it finally from sight, he turned townward, followed by that fagged-out spaniel, his servant, saying, as he turned, "Baptiste." "Miche?" "You know w'at I goin' do wid dis money?" "Non, m'sieur."