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We lay there, between heaven and earth the dirty earth of the brick floor and the sooty heaven of the ceiling listening until midnight to the boisterous songs, and loud, angry disputes in the room adjoining. Thus ended our first day in Lyons. Five weary days, each of them containing a month of torturing suspense, have since passed.

Indeed, the Gladiateur had but little more than swung clear from Lyons around the long curve where the Saône and the Rhône are united and the stream suddenly is doubled in size than we were carried back to the very dawn of historic times.

She began her journey with the expectation of meeting her husband at Lyons, for in his letter to the Directory he stated that he would come by way of Lyons.

Its history shall be told in these words: 'Lyons warred against liberty; Lyons exists no more." To realise this terrible anathema, the committee sent to this unfortunate city Collot-d'Herbois, Fouche, and Couthon, who slaughtered the inhabitants with grape shot and demolished its buildings.

On the 12th of January the town of Lyons gave, in honor of the First Consul and Madame Bonaparte, a magnificent fete, consisting of a concert, followed by a ball. At eight o'clock in the evening, the three mayors, accompanied by the superintendents of the fete, called upon their illustrious guests in the government palace.

When a hubbub arose on this burning topic: "Some officers of the regiments in garrison at Lyons appeared in the hall and imposed silence upon all parties.

Our friends having reached Lyons, where they had business, and would rest for the night, we shall leave them and meet them again on the mountains.

The Order of Predicant Friars was instituted by Dominic in 1215, with the avowed object of maintaining Roman doctrine and supremacy, and of opposing and superseding the wandering preachers sent out by the Waldensian Church into all parts of Europe, and known chiefly as Boni-Homines, or Poor Men of Lyons.

They felt sure that he had a point in reserve to which these splendid and agreeable truths were a pertinent introduction. Proceeding, with his address, Mr. Lyons made a panegyric on these United States of America, from the special standpoint of their dedication to the "God of our fathers," a solemn figure of speech.

This view is one of the finest in the world, and our eyes are glued to the carriage window as the train follows the shore of Geneva. In outline the lake is like a dolphin just about to dive. At the dolphin's snout lies Geneva, and here the river Rhone flows out of the lake to run to Lyons and debouch into the Mediterranean immediately to the west of the great port of Marseilles.