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"Your grandmother, eh?" "Yes. She says something must be done. 'In low saloons, she says, and I've been sizing it up and Frank, don't you think I ought to go home?" A silence again, with Lyman's alarm clock ticking placidly on the table between them. It had come, the moment to bring the boy around; Frank had waited for it in the weeks since he had known the story.

Coan the day of his arrival; and when the flute band of Mr. Lyman's school serenaded him, he made the youths a kind address, in which he said he had been taught as they were, and hoped hereafter to profit by the instruction he had received. This has been a great day in Hilo. The old native custom of hookupu was revived, and it has been a most interesting spectacle.

Neither do I mean to say that you would be wrong in doing so. You have had cause. Lyman's stubbornness is quite enough to rasp a saint. I couldn't stand it; and between me and you, I wish they had lashed him till he would have craved the privilege of going away." "Wait just one more moment, Mr. Caruthers.

In a moment he tried again to bring the subject out, but Ned seemed entirely indifferent. When the two left the hotel and walked in the direction of the sand lot where the Nelson had been left, the boy was fully satisfied that Collins was in league with his enemies. For all he knew, the fellow might be the very man who was trying to get Lyman's concession away from him.

"Who was Jenkins after?" "The old man," replied the bar-keeper, in a voice that showed pleasure rather than regret. "No!" "It's a fact." Bill, the bar-keeper, actually smiled. "What's to pay?" said the man. "Don't know, and don't care much." "Did he serve a summons or an execution?" "Can't tell." "Judge Lyman's suit went against him." "Did it?"

Around Lotta's fountain the baskets of the flower sellers, crammed with chrysanthemums, violets, pinks, roses, lilies, hyacinths, set a brisk note of colour in the grey of the street. But to Lyman's notion the general impression of this centre of the city's life was not one of strenuous business activity.

"Yes, I know, but your government will back you in whatever you do. That is the point with me. If you report no cause for interference down in Paraguay, there will be no danger of our getting into trouble. Your government wouldn't make a demand for Lyman's release, although it was understood he was kept in duress by a high official of the republic. Still, it sends you out to act unofficially.

Retributive justice must march on in its majestic course. The empire had accomplished its mission. The time came for it to die. REFERENCES. Mr. Merivale has written most fully of modern writers on the condition of the empire. Gibbon has occasional paragraphs which show the condition of Roman society. Lyman's Life of the Emperors should be read, and also DeQuincy's Lives of the Caesars.

Lyman's room-mate was somewhere queening. Lyman himself, pretending to study, looked up from time to time, waiting for the Sophomore to unbosom himself. Frank knew the symptoms. "Well, Jimmie?" he said at length one couldn't study with that going on and Frank had his stint to finish. "It's about my father." "Drinking again?" Jimmie only nodded.

"That's Lyman's work." The injustice of the thing hurt her. "Of course, I can get another school, but I like Crow Hill, I know the children and we get along so well, and it's near home " "Well," came Millie's spirited question, "surely you ain't goin' to let Mertzheimers do like they want? I don't believe in this foldin' hands and lookin' meek and leavin' people use you for a shoe mat!