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The struggle is over; no sound is heard, save the hoof-stroke of the guanacos, llamas, and alpacos, that cover the plain in their wild flight. Leon could no longer restrain his curiosity; but ran off to the scene of the slaughter. There he counted no less than nineteen vicunas lying dead, each one stabbed in the ribs! The Indian assured him that it was not the first battue of the kind he had made.

Thus determined, she reconnoitred the field, and practised her address so successfully, that in less than half an hour she was loaded with ermine and embroidery, and disposed to retreat with her burden, when her regards were solicited by a splendid bundle, which she descried at some distance lying on the ground.

The report was lying on the table in his chamber, and Byron could have borrowed it for any length of time to enable Corny to make a copy.

If he could have seen the wind itself, it would have been a different thing; but as it was, he could enjoy it more by lying in bed and listening to it.

Well, my lord duke, Girolamo himself could not have done it better than I did to-night. I was thunderstruck when my opponent did not go down before it as if he had been shot. I expected to see him lying dead at my feet. But not at all, by Jove!

He seemed a little clearer after lying down and bathing his face; but as they walked slowly towards the Manor there were moments when he began to turn dizzy and reeled.

"I believe I'll get the hang of it after a while," said Rob, as they paused at the head of a rapid lying ahead of the two canoes. "The main thing is to map out your course before you go through, and then hang to it. You can't take any too sudden turns, and you have to be careful not to strike on a rock that's the most dangerous thing, after all, except the big swells at the foot of a fast drop."

And as an insect approacheth towards a flaming fire, or a puny animal towards a lion, Kichaka approached Bhima, lying down in a bed and burning in anger at the thought of the insult offered to Krishna, as if he were the Suta's Death.

The dissatisfaction of Italy, however, increased, until she withdrew her earlier pledge to Europe and set her navy to the task of seizing one after another the Turkish islands lying in the eastern Mediterranean, After some months of this leisurely appropriation of helpless territories, the Turks yielded the point at issue.

There was much peace in his heart, and a still security that he had not felt yet since he had seen his father lying dead before him. He knew not how it was, but he was suddenly sure that Beatrix loved him and had escaped to the court of France in the hope of finding him, and was waiting for him day by day.