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The hut was luxuriously appointed, and it was plainly evident that the man who had saved them was one of the foremost of the huge German host. The general himself had not arrived yet. But, after a long wait, he came in, alone. He motioned their guards away, and then turned on the boys with a scowl. "Do you remember me?" he demanded. The two lads nodded affirmatively.

Then he shifted the rudder, lit a pipe, leaned luxuriously back and gave the bellying sail to the gentle breeze. It was part of his profession, part of his nature, that, steering, maybe, straight towards death by starvation and thirst, he was as unconcerned as if he were taking the children for a summer's sail.

He lighted a cigarette, leaned back once more in the big, leather-upholstered lounging chair, and his eyes, half closed, strayed introspectively around the luxuriously appointed room, his own particular den in his Riverside Drive residence.

"You are a good sort, Mary," he said, smiling in reply; "it's restful to be with you. Sing to me, won't you?" He stretched luxuriously on the sofa. She obeyed, glad enough of the now rare opportunity of pleasing him. Farraday had brought her some Norse ballads not long before; their sad elfin cadences had charmed her.

It seems desirable to supply a reason why anyone should be walking there, to begin with, anyone, at all events, not a Chinaman, or a coolie, a dealer in second-hand furniture, or an able-bodied seaman luxuriously fingering wages in both trouser pockets, and describing an erratic line of doubtful temper toward the nearest glass of country spirits.

She has a perpetual series of guests who must be fed luxuriously, and amused profusely; she talks to them in three or four languages; at her entertainments she notes who is present and who absent, as carefully as Napoleon watched his soldiers; her interchange of cards, alone, is a thing as complex as the army muster-rolls: thus she plans, organizes, conquers, and governs.

"However, you may as well make yourself comfortable while we enjoy our cigars." He puffed luxuriously, as did the other. Hal also leaned back in his chair. He chafed under this restraint, but he realized that it would be foolish to make an effort to escape under the very mouths of his two captors' guns. Nevertheless, he was ready to take advantage of the first opportunity that should offer itself.

Wild had now got together a very considerable gang, composed of undone gamesters, ruined bailiffs, broken tradesmen, idle apprentices, attorneys' clerks, and loose and disorderly youth, who, being born to no fortune, nor bred to any trade or profession, were willing to live luxuriously without labour. As these persons wore different PRINCIPLES, i.e. HATS, frequent dissensions grew among them.

His attire, his dwelling, this luxuriously furnished room, so different from anything which she had expected, proclaimed it. She herself held it part of the creed of her life to be free from all ornaments, free from even the shadow of luxury. Her throat was bare, her hair simply arranged, her fingers and wrists innocent of even the simplest article of jewellery.

He stretched himself luxuriously in his chair, and gazed about the warm, perfumed, luxurious apartment. "You have to go out to-morrow, anyway," said Ida, and she increased his sense of present comfort by that remark. "That is so," said Harry, with a slight sigh. Lately it had seemed harder than ever before for him to start early in the black winter mornings and hurry for his train.