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It again expelled the member for Middlesex; and on his return for the third time by an immense majority it voted that the candidate whom he had defeated, Colonel Luttrell, ought to have been returned, and was the legal representative of Middlesex.

Luttrell made him a handsome allowance, had paid his bills more than once, provided his outfit, put all the resources of his home at Hugo's disposal, as if he had been a son of the house instead of a penniless dependent had, in short, behaved to him with a generosity which Brian might have resented had he been of a resentful disposition, seeing that he himself had been much less liberally treated.

He had been thinking solely of Brian's relations with Elizabeth. It had not occurred to him for a long time that Angela had once been on the point of marriage with the man the brother whom Brian Luttrell had shot dead at Netherglen. He said, "I beg your pardon," in a constrained, reluctant voice, and sat in silence, feeling that he ought to go, yet not liking to tear himself away.

Vivian went back to London on the following morning, taking Mason with him. He had heard what made him anxious to leave Strathleckie before any accidental meeting with Hugo Luttrell should take place. The story told of Kitty's marriage was that she had eloped with Hugo; and Mr.

We'll meet in England some time." "Yes," said Hillyard. It was not to speak these words that Harry Luttrell had risen, after wishing him good-bye the night before. So he waited. Luttrell was still, his hand on the little donkey's neck. "You'll remember me to our honorary member, won't you?" "Yes." "Don't forget." "I won't." Nor was it for this reminder, either.

Luttrell, or she will be anxious, and will insist on coming to nurse me. Promise me that you will not send to Galvaston Terrace, Deb; and what was a poor servant to do? I suppose if Dr. Luttrell has sent you you will have to stop, but I won't give up nursing my mistress even to you, Miss Olive," and Deb sniffed defiantly.

Luttrell that you have done me good," she said, pressing Olivia's hand; "how strange it seems there is no cure for such a trouble as mine, and yet telling you about it has seemed to make it more bearable. Oh, please come again soon very soon," and of course Olivia readily promised this. It was rather a disappointment on her return to find Marcus had been in for tea and had gone out again.

Luttrell," he said, in his harsh, grating voice, "it is one of my bad days, and nothing on earth would yield me pleasure. I gave you warning, did I not? You are visiting a haunted man! The Christmas ghosts have been holding high revel this evening; one of them has been pointing and gibing at me for ever so long: 'You are reaping what you have sown, that was what it said.

I think I understood him better than she did his mother always said so. Well, good-night, dear Mrs. Luttrell; I shall come to-morrow as early as I can." When Olivia went back to the parlour she found Alwyn lying back in his chair looking utterly spent and exhausted. "I believe I shall have to take your advice and go to bed," he said.

Luttrell, with a poor nun of the name of Pitt,* whom he took from hence to Paris, as a capture which might give him importance, were not massacred either by the mob or the tribunal. * This poor woman, whose intellects, as I am informed, appeared in a state of derangement, was taken from a convent at Abbeville, and brought to the Providence, as a relation of Mr.