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Oh and we have musical evenings on Sundays; sometimes we play dumb crambo. Now, tell me about the little rift within the lute. 'I always told you every little thing, Anne didn't I? Anne turned away her head. 'Who arranges your flowers? 'I do. 'Oh, you do do something! They look all right but I did it much better. Oh by the way you mustn't think these are the only clothes I've got.

"Listen, fellows!" said one of the disgusted lot, with the open volume in his hand. "'In Heaven a spirit doth dwell Whose heartstrings are a lute.

But these solemn hours were few. First and last it was a happy fellowship, free and gay, though mingled with earnest, that held us together; and when Ann's father had been some few weeks dead our old gleefulness came back to us again, and then, after gazing at her for a while, Herdegen would suddenly strike the lute and sing the old merry round: "Come, sweetheart, come to me.

There was a kind of breathless stillness in the chambers, that permitted her to distinguish from below the tender notes of the very lute she had formerly heard, and with it, a plaintive voice, made sweeter by the low rustling sound, that now began to creep along the wood-tops, till it was lost in the rising wind.

"Impossible, quite impossible!" cried Orion, who had cast aside the lute, and was now reading the letter himself. "It is true indeed! his own handwriting. And that immovable pair are in Egypt in Memphis! By Zeus!" for this was still the favorite oath of the golden youth of Alexandria and Constantinople, even in these Christian times. "By Zeus, I ought to receive them here like princes!

'And, if you please, said she, 'I'd like t' pay five thousand dollars for the option, then I'd feel more sure. And before I had a chance to open my mouth, she whips out a check-book." "Gr-reat jumping Judas!" cried the irrepressible Lute, whose other name was Parsons. "Five thousand dollars! Why, the old place ain't worth no five thousand dollars!"

Dark vigil hours shall tire Thy wakeful eyes; regrets thy bosom thrill; Slow years thy loveless flower of youth shall kill; Yea, thou shalt yearn for lute and wanton lyre. Yet is thy guerdon great; thine the reward Of those elect, who, scorning Circe's lure, Grown early wise, make living light their lord. Clothed with celestial steel, these walk secure, Masters, not slaves.

They knew, however, that men on the prison wall were watching them as they sat singing, and Blondel, with a final strain taken from a ballad of a knight who, having discovered the hiding-place of his lady love, prepared to free her from her oppressors, shouldered his lute, and they started on their homeward journey. There was no delay now.

"Curly, want to ride up to the hotel and ask if Mr. Dave Warren is there? Bring him right down if he is." "And say, young fellow, don't shout all over the place what your business is with him," ordered the previous speaker sulkily. Lute Blackwell, a squat heavily muscled man of forty, had the manner of a bully. Unless his shifty eyes lied he was both cruel and vindictive.

Deprived of her mother, exiled from the companionship of others of her age, permitted no familiarity with any living being, no sympathies with any other heart, commanded but never indulged, rebuked but never applauded, she must have sunk beneath the severities imposed on her by her father, but for the venial disobedience committed in the pursuit of the solitary pleasure procured for her by her lute.