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And as Wellington would not let go of the book his mistress had left him as guarantee of her return, so as to grip the back of the seat in his powerful jaw, he came nigh to being strangled as he lurched and swung and bumped as the camel got to its knees, which seemed to be legion as it tucked its legs under and untucked them, and did it all over again with vociferous lamentations until it had got them all neatly folded up; and once standing four-square upon the sand, he wrinkled his nose in disgust and removed himself some yards from the odour of this unpleasant complaining brute which hailed undoubtedly from the bazaar, and gave disgusting and crude imitations in its throat of water being poured out of a small-necked bottle.

And every few strides he found himself appreciably nearer the edge. Looking back, as far as he could see the steers were crowding, and looking forward the road curved, hiding what might lie before. His feet were out of the stirrups and well forward, so that, although he had received three or four bruising encounters as the cattle lurched and surged against him, he was unhurt.

He lurched forward, but recovered his footing, looked at the spectators in silence and walked away. "Strange man!" observed the workman. "There are strange folks about nowadays," said the woman. "You should have taken him to the police station all the same," said the man in the long coat. "Better have nothing to do with him," decided the big porter. "A regular rogue!

Jennie shut her eyes tight the moment the toboggan lurched forward, so she could not possibly see anything that lay before them. Ruth peered over the stout girl's shoulder, the wind half blinding her eyes with tears. But the moonlight lay so brilliantly upon the track that it was revealed like midday. Something lay prone and black upon the icy surface of the slide.

She glanced up to him the distance was trivial beaming with sisterly confidence, and just then the train lurched, and he caught her. "H-I conscience! wa'n't it lucky I happened to have my arm back there just at that moment?" Barbara did not say.

The harvests had been gathered, and the only tenants of the fields were flocks of pigeons that came to feed among the stubble; for many a ripe ear fell from the heads in the tying of the sheaves; many a shower of the golden grain had fallen as the load, drawn by slow oxen, lurched and swayed along the uneven ground.

There were only heard a subdued buzz of whispers and the monotonous voice of the reader, as he stood there in the center, his newspaper in one hand and a lighted candle in the other. The red-faced man lurched two steps forward, and in a loud voice said, "L L Lincoln is dead an' I'm damn glad of it!" Across the room I saw two men struggling with Little Ramsey.

You will eh? Gotta show me. How do I know you're hic officer? Eh? More likely damned thief yourself! The young man lurched suddenly and violently forward, breaking Rough Rorke's grip on Rhoda Gray and, as his arms swept out to grasp at the detective in an apparently wild effort to preserve his balance, Rhoda Gray felt a quick, significant push upon her shoulder.

An ox-cart was lying right across the road. After shouting himself hoarse the policeman woke up an old man in a house near by the owner. He rheumatically grumbled in his doorway; so the gendarme called our Albanians, and in two twos they had turned the cart upside down in a ditch, saying "It serves you right." Voices sounded in the darkness. The carriages lurched on.

A minute, another then Standing Buffalo bent his knees, drew and shot. But the arrow veered a trifle from its intended course. The Squaw drew. The cord sang. The shaft whistled to its mark. It drove the chief backward a few paces like a wounded buck. Then, stopping himself with effort, he lurched forward again.