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A few days later she was taken with a low type of lung fever. I had one of the colored women in the place nurse her. The white refugee women took but little notice of my offer of best dresses, in finding homes for themselves. I found these women of the lowest class of humanity.

I ran to his aid just as Davis, of Howard's Creek, sprang from behind a log and seized his right arm. Between us we soon had him back in camp and his shirt off. The lung tissue had been forced through the wound a finger's length. He asked me to put it back. I attempted it and failed, whereat he did it himself without any fuss.

And although his motive in exposing the emptiness of Kai Lung's stories may not be Heaven-sent inasmuch as Kai Lung provides us with such matter as he himself purveys, only at a much more moderate price yet his words are well considered, and must therefore be regarded."

At this significant admission the Mandarin's expression faded; he stroked the lower part of his face several times and unostentatiously indicated to the two attendants that they should retire to a more distant obscurity. Then he spoke. "When did this this alleged indiscretion occur, Kai Lung?" he asked in a considerate voice.

"I have always mistrusted thin men," said the lady, and she hastily added: "Not that you're fat" "My bones are covered," said Saterlee; "I admit it." "Yes," she said, "but with big muscles and sinews." "I am not weak," said Saterlee; "I admit it." "What air this is," exclaimed the lady; "what delicious air. No wonder it cures people with lung trouble. Still, I'm glad mine are sound."

I'll stay on top, or near the top, with a single float, and a gun. If I use the lung I can stay submerged most of the time and not have to fight waves." "Lash yourself to the float," Scotty cautioned. "And we'll use a buddy line," Rick added. "The same one the professor and I used. Scotty, you take a gun, and I'll take the camera."

But beside this, all singers need physical training and development, which tense and harden the muscles, and increase the lung capacity; that training which expands all the resonance cavities, especially the chest, and which directly develops and strengthens the vocal muscles themselves, particularly the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the throat.

Other points affecting health are found in the nature of certain of the trades and the conditions under which they must be carried on. Feather-sorters, fur-workers, cotton-sorters, all workers on any material that gives off dust, are subject to lung and bronchial troubles.

His fear was, lest, having been compelled to take so active a part in the rescue of the unhappy Solomon, something should arise to implicate him in his incarceration. Fortunately he was far too ill to be summoned as a witness. His deposition alone could be taken, and that he framed with the utmost caution, and as briefly as was possible. His wounded lung defended him from protracted inquiries.

Don't 'pear as if you was tearin' out a lung or two every time you drawed breath?" "I'm almost well," said Harry gratefully, "and, Mr. Jarvis, I'd like to leave my wet clothes here to dry while I'm gone. I'll be back in the morning with my father." "All right," said Samuel Jarvis, "but I wish you'd come bright an' early.