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Robert seized the opportunity of turning away and entering the house. 'That ane's no to be droont or brunt aither, said Lumley, as he disappeared. 'He'll no be hang't for closin' your mou', Mr. Lumley, said the shoemaker. Thereupon Lumley turned and followed Robert into the inn.

I was a little frightened, but I never lost my nerve. I flew past Mrs. Lumley like an arrow; and though she put the Gitana to her speed, and made my horse more violent still as she thundered close upon his quarters, I was too proud to ask her to give me a pull, and a wicked, jealous feeling rose in my heart that was an excellent substitute for true courage at the time.

But I fancy, by a restless glance cast every now and then around the room, that my beautiful cousin has in her something of the coquette." "There you are quite right, Lumley," returned Lord Saxingham, laughing; "but I will not quarrel with her for breaking hearts and refusing hands, if she do but grow steady at last, and settle into the Duchess of ."

"You may be sure your kindness will be duly appreciated." Lumley shook hands cordially with the secretary and retired. The secretary was not "humbugged," nor did Lumley expect he should be. Very shortly afterwards the /Gazette/ announced the election of Lord Staunch for C , after a sharp but decisive contest.

He made Castruccio accompany him to a club, dictated the letter to Florence, and undertook its charge. This was not all. "It is also necessary," said Lumley, after a short but thoughtful silence, "that you should write to Maltravers." "And for what?" "I have my reasons.

"No not that sort of mate," said I, with a laugh, "but the " I stopped abruptly, for at that moment we heard a sound that sent a thrill to our hearts. It was something between a rend and a crash. We looked at each other in consternation. "The dam's going," exclaimed Lumley. Another crash, that there was no misunderstanding, proved that it was gone.

"Don't be long, papa nobody plays so nicely as you do;" and, nodding and laughing from very glee, away scampered the young fairy. Lord Vargrave turned to his wife. "What think you of my nephew of Lumley?" said he, abruptly. "He seems all that is amiable, frank, and kind." Lord Vargrave's brow became thoughtful.

He was now only waiting for Vargrave, to whom he had sent, and who hastened to obey the summons. When Lumley arrived, he was shocked at the alteration which a single night had effected in the appearance of Maltravers; but he was surprised and relieved to find him calm and self-possessed.

Darkness of course put an end to the search, and, with a feeling of disappointment and weariness that I had not experienced since arriving in that region, I set to work to fell and cut up a tree for fire wood, while Lumley shovelled a hole in the snow at the foot of a pine, and otherwise prepared our encampment. But youth is remarkably elastic in spirit!

Poor Lumley had never heard of Sir Walter Raleigh or Queen Elizabeth, but he had given his homage to a better queen, and with loyal impulse he instantly threw off his coat, and laid it on the snow, that Amy might walk dry-shod into the single room that formed his home.