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"G'wan, you're foolin'," said Finn, the other lumberjack, a quiet, steady, Wisconsin man. "There's my dawgs and sled," Daylight answered. "That'll make two teams and halve the loads though we-all'll have to travel easy for a spell, for them dawgs is sure tired." The three men were overjoyed, but still a trifle incredulous. "Now look here," Joe Hines blurted out, "none of your foolin, Daylight.

A sudden uproar was heard in the direction of the bunk-house. The lumberjacks having discovered that a fight was in progress were running towards the river to see if they too could not get into the fray, for a lumberjack loves nothing in the world so violently as he loves a fight. "Keep out of it!" ordered Tom as he saw that the jacks were headed for the path that Peg and Willy had taken. "Tom!

The Laird, all too familiar with this truly feminine type of tyranny, indicated to his son, by a lightning wink, that he desired the conversation diverted into other channels, whereupon Donald favored his mother with a disarming smile. "I'm going to make a real start to-morrow morning, mother," he announced brightly. "I'm going up in the woods and be a lumberjack for a month.

Suddenly he bumped into something quite solid, which closed around him viciously. "Halt, damn you," a commanding voice cried. Despite his years, Hector McKaye was no weakling, and in the knowledge that he could not afford to be captured and discovered, seemingly he slipped forty years from his shoulders. Once more he was a lumberjack, the top dog of his district and he proceeded to fight like one.

She remembered the events that followed when Jacques was paid liberally by the boss to make a midwinter journey to the railroad, and the low sound in the night when she awakened to find the girl struggling in the bear-like grasp of the huge lumberjack, and how she fought him off in the darkness with a hatchet while Jeanne fled shrieking into the timber.

However, there had been more than one lumberjack who had found to his discomfort that he could not infringe upon their good nature, which was at all times apparent. Both boys were large and sturdy, and the months spent in the lumber camps had given hardness to their muscles.

"Get out of here, ye lazy good-for-nothin'. Think this 'ere is a lumberjack hotel? Sick 'im, Henry! Sick 'im!" raged Joe Shafto. Grace, hearing the bear growl, sprang up and ran out. Her companions were not far behind her.

"You're on," answered the chief engineer. "Them's lumberjack hours, man. From seven till six means work an' only fools an' hosses keeps them hours." The head sawyer leaned across the table and pounded with the handle of his knife until he had the attention of all present. "I'm a-goin' to tell you young fellers somethin'," he announced.

He swore, with a depth of feeling and a range of language to be equalled only by a lumberjack. Matt Peasley waited until he subsided for lack of new invective and then said reproachfully: "I can't stand this any longer, Mr. Ricks. I'll have to go now. Back home I belonged to the Congregational Church " "Out!" yelled Cappy. "Out, you vagabond!"

"How did you come to be here, Halloway?" asked the city man in a guarded and incredulous voice. The tall man looked about him and then, since the drone of voices was again gathering volume he replied: "Oh, ye're right liable ter meet up with a driftin' lumberjack anywhar's at all."