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Excerpts from her letter were running through his brain: "It would do no good to warn him, Jimmie the Skeeter and his gang would never let up on him until they got the stones. . . . It would do no good for you to steal them first, for they would only take that as a ruse of old Luddy's, and murder the man first and hunt afterward. . . . In some way you must let the Skeeter SEE you steal them, make them think, make them certain that it is a bona-fide theft, so that they will no longer have any interest or any desire to do old Luddy harm. . . . And for it to appear real to them, it must appear real to old Luddy himself do not take any chances there."

He went straight to Chicago Ike's gambling rooms and found the Skeeter's gang there you know them, Red Mose, the Midget, Harve Thoms, and the Skeeter you remember your fight with them over old Luddy's diamonds! Well, they have not forgotten, either! They are on their way here, now!

The storm raised by the newspapers at the theft of Old Luddy's diamonds had subsided into sporadic diatribes aimed at the police; Kline, of the secret service, had finally admitted defeat, and a shadow no longer skulked day and night at the entrance to the Sanctuary and Larry the Bat bore the government indorsement, so to speak, of being no more suspicious a character than that of a disreputable, but harmless, dope fiend of the underworld.

It was simple enough now to enter old Luddy's room, steal the stones at the revolver point, then make enough disturbance when he was ready to set the gang in motion, and, as they rushed in open him, to make his escape with the stones to the roof through Luddy's room. That was simple enough there was an opening to the roof in Luddy's room, she had said, and there was a ladder kept there in place.

Old Luddy could be made to leave New York, and, once away, with the Skeeter and his gang robbed of incentive to pay any further attention to him, the stones could be secretly returned to the old man. And it would to the public, to the police, be just another of the Gray Seal's crimes that was all! Jimmie Dale had reached old Luddy's door. The Gray Seal?

The head of the stairs gave on the middle of the hallway the hallway ran to his right and left. To his right, on the opposite side of the hall, was the door of old Luddy's squalid two-room apartment. For a moment Jimmie Dale stood hesitant a sudden perplexity and anxiety growing upon him. It was strange! What did it mean?