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And yet, all the time there is such a very serious side to him. One feels that he has a purpose in it all." "Perhaps he has," Norgate ventured. "Perhaps he has," she agreed, lowering her voice a little. "At least, I believe one thing. I believe that he is a good German and yet a great friend of England." "You don't find the two incompatible, then?" "I do not," the young lady replied firmly.

"It's an awful sight," thought Sterne; and he watched the long period of mournful, silent immobility, with a big brown hand lying loosely closed by the side of the plate, till he noticed the two engineers to the right and left looking at him in astonishment. He would close his mouth in a hurry then, and lowering his eyes, wink rapidly at his plate.

If he had told them, as he ought to have done, they would not have let her have him at all, and what would have become of her without her Corney! He ought not certainly to have told her lies, but if anything could excuse him, so that making the best of things, and excusing her husband all she could, she was in danger of lowering her instinctively high sense of moral obligation.

And this, joined with his respect for the Church's right of sanctuary, and with the lessening of his thirst for blood, now that he had satisfied his first desire for revenge, led him to desist. "So be it then," he said, lowering his threatening sword. "I yield her to thee, Sir Priest. Look to her welfare and thine own. Surely a girl can do no harm."

He had hardly gone a few steps, when an arm was thrown under his own and a laughing voice exclaimed: "You are punctual, vicomte; your friends can vouch for that." The vicomte kept silent, and Fernando, lowering his voice, continued: "What was the difficulty between you and the young man? You wanted to kill him. Are you acquainted with him?" "No, I hardly know him; you overheard us?"

The promised storm still hung off, though the sky was cold and lowering, and toward night a misty rain began falling. It did not become severe at any time, but it added to the dismal gloom. The wind blew in gusts, much the same as on the previous evening, and the temperature fell until, had the cowmen been less accustomed to exposure, they would have suffered more than their animals.

At every near approach of dog or man he feints to charge, lowering and tossing his head, uttering yet fiercer notes of wrath, or tearing up the ground, and sending splinters flying from the tree with blows from his tusks; such threatening movements on his part effectually deterring his foes in their advance. Sticks and stones, large and weighty, are hurled at him from all sides.

Two of them were from the Barrens, and this was their first glimpse of civilized life in five years. As we sat there a woman came up the street. She turned in at the hotel. About me there was a sudden lowering of voices, a shuffling of feet. As she passed, every one of those twelve rose from their seats and stood with bowed heads and their caps in their hands until she had gone.

"Duchesse," Peter answered, lowering his voice, "without the memories which one is fortunate enough to collect as one passes along, life would be a dreary place. The most beautiful things in the world cannot remain always with us. It is well, then, that the shadow of them can be recalled to us in the shape of dreams." Her eyes rewarded him for his gallantry.

Rufe here will tell you how he follows after me for miles and cryin', too when the coyotes might git 'im anytime. And he sleeps with me every night," he added, lowering his voice. "Well, you can have him," said Kitty lightly. "Do they have any real mountain lions here?" "Huh?" inquired Creede, still big-eyed with his emotions.