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The grandfather, not sorry to be released, gave his shoulders a little writhing shake, laughed an amused laugh, and set off boring and stitching and drawing at redoubled speed. "Weel, Maggie?" he said, with loving interrogation, but without looking up. "I saw ye was richt, father, and it set me greitin sae sair that I forgot the bairn, and you, father, as weel.

Robert Guiscard’s appearance and character have been sketched for us with loving care by one of the most famous of the world’s historians, who was fully able to appreciate the mingled force and cunning, the suaviter in modo and the fortiter in re, of this leader of a handful of Normans in a hostile and distant country.

Oh, no, no!" she protested; and the clinging arms held him. "Why, Alicia, girl see here: what do you imagine could happen to me? Why, bless your loving heart, I've been tramping and riding this desert more or less for two years! What has come over you?"

She felt, at the thought of his fruitless journey through the rain, the tenderest affection for him, maternal and loving, so that she wanted to have him with her at once and to see him in warm clothes beside the fire, drinking whisky if he liked, and she would give him all the money she possessed. She had still touched very little of her own three hundred pounds.

Elsie whispered softly, with another tender, loving look at the picture ere she returned it to its accustomed resting-place in her bosom. "And now I must go to papa," she said more cheerfully, "for it is almost breakfast time." "Is my darling satisfied now?" he asked, as she ran into his arms and was folded in a close embrace.

"Aggie is only a child, but she has a loving, faithful little heart, and I said to myself, 'If I throw her with this boy, who, she knows, has saved her life, for two years, she is sure to have a strong affection for him. "Many things may happen afterwards. If the squire takes her they will be separated. He may get to care for someone, and so may she, but it's just giving him a chance.

The bitterest sting lay in the assurance thus placidly given her, that her loving little Richard would be consigned to the keeping of a woman whom she knew to hate her fiercely that he would be taught to hate and despise her himself. He would be brought up as a stranger to her; he would be led to associate her name with scorn and disgrace.

I've written you a long letter, and if you growl about the spelling and grammar I won't write to you any more, so there, and you take my tip and don't write to mother on that flute any more, for she won't take a bit of notice. Yr loving brother, Horace. So!

The idea of him as of an inconceivably vast, ancient, powerful, loving, and yet formidable Person is one which survives all changes of detail in men's opinion.

It is a recovery from an unnatural state that of not loving. One may fall into that state and recover from it more than once." "What a sophism!" "Why do you say that? Do you think that not to love is the normal condition of mankind?" Maria Consuelo was silent, still watching him. "You have nothing to say," he continued, stopping and standing before her. "There is nothing to be said.