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'And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and in mercies. 'Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Since no man can rightly have more than one wife, God has but one church, and Christ is her husband."

How do they bear themselves in "the solemn realities of life"? I suggest that consolation, and fortitude, and cheerfulness, and loving-kindness are not in the exclusive gift of the Christian religion, but may be found by good men in all religions. As to the effects of Christianity on life. Did Buddha, and King Asoka, and Socrates, and Aristides lead happy, and pure, and useful lives?

The delight of influencing each other's development was denied such as they; instead, they must find each other out, must throw a thousand strands of loving-kindness to span the gap which the patient years had sundered between them, a gap which should never have widened at all. Again that remorseless hurry of the moments!

We think of miracles in the past, we think of a manifest presence of God in the future, but the present ever seems to our sense-bound understandings as beggared and empty of Him, devoid of His light. But this verse suggests to us how, if we mark the daily dealings of that loving Hand with us, we have every occasion to say, Thy loving-kindness of old lives still.

For a moment I thought she would answer peevishly, but the mood passed, and she smiled sincerely on me as she replied: "Ay, in all loving-kindness, Simon; and when you hear the sour gird at me, say why, say, Simon, that even a severe gentleman, such as you are, once found some good in Nelly. Will you say that for me?" "With all my heart."

I will close now, hoping that God will take care of you, which is the prayer of your friend, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 3, . Dear Mother Roberts: You don't know how glad I was to receive your kind and loving letter. Yes, I can praise God this very day for his loving-kindness and tender mercy.

He would sell Louisiana to the Americans as a favor; they would be very, very grateful, and they would go on hating George. Moreover, he would have all the more money with which to fight George. The inaccessible Man suddenly became accessible. Nay, he became gracious, smiling, full of loving-kindness, charitable.

There will be vengeance upon all enemies, who have been using Israel as a common football, and great victory. Yet, strangely, these will be gotten without the use of violent force, and will be followed by great peace. The kingdom is to be established in loving-kindness and marked to an unparalleled degree by a sense of right and justice to all.

While the supper was going on, hymns were sung, and when it was ended they all chanted together: "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving-kindness endureth for ever."

May my life be laid down for the transgressions of such as transgress against Thee, for through them the breath of Thy grace and the fragrance of Thy loving-kindness are made known and diffused amongst men.