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Maritornes felt sure that Don Quixote would present the hand she had asked, and making up her mind what to do, she got down from the hole and went into the stable, where she took the halter of Sancho Panza's ass, and in all haste returned to the hole, just as Don Quixote had planted himself standing on Rocinante's saddle in order to reach the grated window where he supposed the lovelorn damsel to be; and giving her his hand, he said, "Lady, take this hand, or rather this scourge of the evil-doers of the earth; take, I say, this hand which no other hand of woman has ever touched, not even hers who has complete possession of my entire body.

It is manifest in shrinking, avoiding movements, sometimes of the whole body, but more often of the eyes or some other special organ. "In the sphere of love," Watson remarks, "there are numerous attitudes as shown by the popular expressions lovelorn, lovesick, tenderness, sympathy.

With a glance at the lady which was meant to be lovelorn, but which must have been extremely languid in my exhausted state, I said, "You see, Madam, that I am not the more obstinate of the two." A dish of soup was served to us, but d'Entragues, who was in the last stage of exhaustion, had no sooner swallowed the soup than he fell from his chair in a dead faint.

This really essential consideration is, alas, frequently not considered." "People should marry," said Miss Knowles with a sort of consecrated earnestness the most deadly of all the practiced phases of her coquetry "for love. Now, I'm not in love with you. If I were, the very idea of your going away would make me miserable. And do I seem miserable? Am I lovelorn?

I do not think the general has ever been able to retrieve the ground he lost, when he fell asleep during the captain's story. Indeed, Master Simon thinks his case is completely desperate, her ladyship having determined that he is quite destitute of sentiment. The season has been equally unpropitious to the lovelorn Phoebe Wilkins.

I could imagine it bending above the little serpents of the sistrum as they lifted their melodious voices to bid Typhon depart, or watching the dancing women's rhythmic movements, or smiling half kindly, half with irony, upon the lovelorn maiden who made her plaint: "What is sweet to the mouth, to me is as the gall of birds; Thy breath alone can comfort my heart."

When, in Yankee-land, some lovelorn Zeekle is notoriously sweet upon any Huldy of the rural maids, when "His heart keeps goin' pitypat, And hern goes pity Zeekle," when she is "All kind o' smily round the lips, And teary round the lashes," it is usual to describe his condition by a feline figure; he is said to "cuddle up to her like a sick kitten to a hot brick."

What a difference between the sight of that girl which was like nectar to me, and this immediate separation from her which is like terrible poison! It was no dream. I was awake when the serving-maid deceived me and made a fool of me." He was like a madman without the girl. He wandered in the garden and mourned in a lovelorn way.

Had a deadly serpent leaped suddenly at his throat, the shock could not have been greater. At the head of the sheet of paper was a clever pen-and-ink sketch of Lucy Stevens and himself he, kneeling to her in a lovelorn, ludicrous attitude, and she, laughing immoderately at his lachrymose and pitiful aspect and speech.

I did not leave this question unanswered, and continuing the amorous discourse with animation I won a sigh and a lovelorn glance. I put my hand on her knee, begging her to let me leave it there, and promising to go no farther, but little by little I attained the center, and strove to give her some pleasant sensations.