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Two things struck me in that city: the deadly cold in the hotels and the theatre, and the loveliness of the women. I felt a profound sadness at Baltimore, for I spent the 1st of January far from everything that was dear to me. I wept all night, and underwent that moment of discouragement that makes one wish for death.

Then, all at once, there appeared running and skipping over the ground towards him a great company of girls scores and hundreds of them scattered over the plain, exceeding in loveliness all lovely things that he had ever beheld.

You may laugh!" he said, in a fierce undertone. "You are without a soul." "Isn't it better to laugh?" queried Saltash. "Did you expect a blow in the face?" Spentoli glared for a moment, and recovered himself. "Do you know what they are saying of her?" he said. "They say that she is dying. But it is not true not true! Such beauty as that such loveliness could never die!"

In truth I can scarcely realize it myself, as you are the same lovely and loving, true-hearted woman to me, that you were when I made you my bride, nearly twenty-three years ago. There is no other change except the superior loveliness of the full blown over the budding rose. In life's struggle I have been what men call fortunate.

Her beauty redressed the balance. "'Loveliness, magic, and grace they are here; they are set in the world! and ugliness and pain have not conquered while this face still looks and breathes." This, and nothing less, was the cry of the young man's heart and imagination as he strained forward, waiting for her voice.

The contrast between her grave, sweet beauty and the frivolous loveliness of the other two, was striking indeed.

So childish and thoughtless indeed was she that day that nothing would content her but attending a 'Viva', which he had incautiously informed her was public. 'Nobody will notice us, she urged with strange unconsciousness of her loveliness. 'Besides, they don't know I'm not your sister. 'The Oxford intellect is sceptical, he said, laughing. 'It cultivates philosophical doubt.

During a subsequent early-morning walk the writer observed a funeral procession on its way towards Malabar Hill, and followed it to the Towers. For a moment after arriving there the face of the corpse was exposed, showing the marble features of a young girl of some fifteen years, wearing upon her pale face an expression of seraphic loveliness.

Mrs. Belmont disrobed herself, yet ere she retired to her couch, she paused before a large mirror to admire her own naked and voluptuous beauty. While she was surveying herself, she gave utterance to her thoughts in words: 'Ah, these charms of mine will procure me friends and fortune. What man could resist the intoxicating influence of such glorious loveliness of face and person as I possess!

Up there, too, the sun still shone, doubtless, at least there were the rose-glow and the Silver Lake to look at, while down here there was nothing, nothing but gray shadows, a long dreary road, and a straggling house or two in sight. From above, the valley might look to be a fairyland of loveliness, but in reality it was nothing but a dismal waste of gloom, decided David.