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"Not at all," said Priscilla, sternly, with a sternness that was very comfortable to her listener. "Not at all. Why should not Mr. Gibson love you as well as any man ever loved any woman? You are nice-looking," Dorothy blushed beneath her hat even at her sister's praise, "and good-tempered, and lovable in every way. And I think you are just fitted to make a good wife.

He was good, and honest, and well meaning, in the matter of chasing national diseases, but he never could overtake one. As a private man, he would have been lovable; but viewed as a king, he was strictly contemptible.

"Good-by, good-by, good-by, Bobby; most loving and lovable, darlingest wee dog in the world!" she cried, and a shower of bright drops and sweet little sounds fell on Bobby's tousled head. Then the carriage of the Grand Leddy rolled away in the rainy dusk. The hour-bell of St. Giles was rung, and the sunset bugle blown in the Castle. It took Mr.

She would not fail for lack of will, at any rate. But it was a hard struggle. Martha had to be very carefully watched just now. Happily, after a few anxious days, she began to recover her fresh colour and her high spirits. The move would not be necessary, after all. Hadria had become more and more attached to the child, whose lovable qualities developed with her growth.

"You already like Vicky Van, then," I said, quickly, moved to do so, by a certain note of regret in his voice. "No man could help liking a woman who possesses her traits. She has delightful taste and tastes. She is most charitable, her accounts show sums wisely expended on worthy charities. And letters from friends prove her a truly loyal and lovable character." "Such a girl couldn't kill a man!"

A survey of the author's female characters will recall over a score of names of discontented girls experimenting in life flirts, minxes, unhappy wives, and shallow society women; while after passing over half a dozen of the ingénue, the amusing and the neutral types, there remain only about four to represent the highest and most lovable qualities of womanhood.

The world never seems so fresh and lovable as after a June shower. Presently the sun was shining, and the ground-incense steaming with stronger sweetness, and they came to the wet 'pike stretching like a russet-colored ribbon east and west, and turned west toward Indianapolis. On the 'pike they met another of the men sent out by Mrs. Tracy and the lawyer. His horse's coat was smoking. Mrs.

They seem to be even more intelligent than the Japanese, more honest and more industrious; and have an almost lovable disposition. And what giants they are compared to their neighbours! the men from the north being especially so.

"I thank you warmly. I will entreat my mother most urgently. . . ." "Do so," interrupted Paula. "Have you ever seen Pulcheria, the daughter of my worthy host?" "Yes. A singularly lovable creature!" "She will soon take Mary into her faithful heart " "And our poor little girl needs a friend, now that Susannah has forbidden her daughter to visit at our house."

But at that time she only answered her impressions without any inquiry concerning them. She was absorbed by the personal presence of the men, and all that was lovely and lovable in her nature responded to their admiration.