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Mary thought her delightful, with something of Louis's charm of manner; and Mrs. Ponsonby believed it no acting, for Lady Conway was sincerely affable and affectionate, with great warmth and kindness, and might have been all that was excellent, had she started into life with a different code of duty. So there was to be an intimacy.

Another time, the Sultan of Damascus, touched by Louis's pious perseverance, had word sent to him that he, if he wished, could go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and should find himself in perfect safety. "The king," says Joinville, "held a great council; and none urged him to go.

When Ludlow found himself alone with Tiller, he demanded an explanation. "It shall not be withheld, for time presses, and that which is to be done must be done with a seaman's care and coolness;" returned the other. "You have had a close brush with one of Louis's rovers, Captain Ludlow, and prettily was the ship of Queen Anne handled!

Biscay, Navarre, Aragon, and Catalonia were each likewise held as military governments. Murat was made king of Naples, Louis's infant son became grand duke of Berg, Elisa was already grand duchess of Tuscany and princess of Lucca and Piombino.

She seemed, in her exhilaration, to be losing weight; she would not have been surprised, if she had found herself floating away to have a real, close-hand look at the Southern Cross. She had no idea what was going on in Louis's mind.

Not such, however, is Prince Louis's belief; and, if you wish to go along with him in opinion, you will discover that a more liberal, peaceable, prudent Prince never existed: you will read that "the mission of Napoleon" was to be the "testamentary executor of the revolution;" and the Prince should have added the legatee; or, more justly still, as well as the EXECUTOR, he should be called the EXECUTIONER, and then his title would be complete.

Yet one financier, Necker, although of foreign birth, was perhaps the most popular man in France during this reign, and it was not the least of Louis's follies or misfortunes that he could not bring himself to share the admiration of his people for his Director General of the Treasury. The mercantile class in Paris did not hold a high position.

The Earl was instantly beside him, but, instead of speaking, Louis gazed in his face, and sighed, as he murmured, 'I was meant to have been a comfort to you. 'My dear boy began Lord Ormersfield, but he could not trust his voice, as he saw Louis's eyes moist with tears. 'I wish I had! he continued; 'but I have never been anything but a care and vexation, and I see it all too late.

Friendship was no longer a dream, and Rosalind, her head against the red pillow, was beginning to think that dreams were best. "If we choose, we may travel always in the Forest, where the birds sing and the sunlight sifts through the trees." These words of Cousin Louis's in his introduction to the old story pleased Rosalind's fancy.

"Then you fight on the other side, though you hold the purse-strings," said the commander. "Would I give a hundred thousand dollars for saving Sir Louis's life? His mother would give ten times that sum, and all the rest of the young man's fortune. That is a matter about which we must not be mean; and the other side take that view of it.