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It is only in the North American Free States at least in part of them that the Jewish question loses its theological significance and becomes a really secular question.

Upon a near approach, the picture loses not its attractions.

The only antidote, the productions of better writers, loses its strength because the uninformed only too easily mistake the advocates of salutary restrictions for the defenders of such as are manifestly unjust and oppressive."

Yet how many times have you heard the tables at Monte Carlo denounced to once or never that you have heard a word said of the poor mangled pigeons? And why? Because nobody loses much money at pigeon-matches.

A thing to protect, to soothe, to shelter oh, how dear it is to the pride of man! The haughty woman who can stand alone and requires no leaning-place in our heart, loses the spell of her sex. I pass over those stages of decline gratuitously painful to record; and which in this case mine cannot be the cold and technical hand to trace.

After a thoughtful silence she added, "Sue Adams says that she supposes that when a woman has as much money as that she loses all interest in spending it! Personally, I don't see how she can entertain a great big man like Von Praag in that old-fashioned house.

He rose from the table, his eyes blazing. "Return ME good for evil!" he exclaimed; " a beast who has done me more wrong than ever I did in all my life! a scoundrel bumpkin who loses not an opportunity of insulting me as never was man insulted before!

Naturally his friends abandoned him. "Craddock is making a beast of himself," said one who had formerly sat at his table. "To give him money merely accelerates the process." "When a man loses all self-respect, how can he expect to retain the sympathy of other people?" queried a second. "I never thought much of a man who would go to the gutter on account of a woman.

Expatriated though in a measure she is, the Anglicized American woman scarcely ever loses her sense of pride and profound satisfaction in being an American, after all, and so strong is this feeling in these delightful women that it is accepted quite as a matter of course, both by them and by their English friends, that their sons should frequently go back to the mothers' land in order to find their wives.

Three hundred paces away the Gave rolls between marshaled banks, which it has covered with sand; in the midst of the waters may be seen the moss-grown piles of a ruined bridge. One is at ease here, and yet at the bottom of the heart a vague unrest is felt; the soul is softened and loses itself in melancholy and tender revery.