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"We must get across lower down, Tom," I said, "and then walk back." "What! through the wood, Mas'r Harry?" "Yes, through the wood." "Lor'! No, don't do that, Mas'r Harry. We shall be eat up alive! Them there woods swarms with snakes I know they do.

"Lor'! I do wish Mrs Greenways could a heard that," said Mrs Pinhorn; "that'll set Mrs White up more than ever." "It will so," said Mrs Wishing; "she allers did keep herself to herself did Mrs White. Not but what she's a decent woman and a kind. Seems as how, if Mrs Leigh wished to name the child `Lilac', she couldn't do no other than fall in with it. But I dunno."

Oh, my good Lor' in heaben, what dis?" "It is Nora's child, Dinah. Didn't you know she had one?" said Hannah; with a choking voice and a crimson face. "Neber even s'picioned! I knowed as she'd been led astray, poor thin', an' as how it was a-breakin' of her heart and a-killin' of her! Leastways I heard it up yonder at de house; but I didn't know nuffin' 'bout dis yere!" "But Uncle Jovial did."

Bob ground his teeth and looked on, while Tom Long was sympathised with and talked to on his way up to the residency, where, after swallowing his wrath, as the middy expressed it, he got leave to go up and see his friend. "My friend!" he said, half aloud, as he walked on through the brilliant sunshine. "Lor', how I do hate that fellow! I wish I had had the kris.

Lor', I am that orful sorry!" "Oh yes," said I, shaking myself free from the last of my encumbrances and standing up erect, "you can just tell that to the marines!"

He drivin' by de gate in de buggy." Mrs. Cary threw up her hands with a muffled cry of relief and laughter. "Oh, Sally! Sally!" she exclaimed, "you'll be the death of me." "But Lor! Miss Hallie," said Sally plaintively, "he tole me fer to tell him." Cary, returning, waved Sally Ann back to her post. "That's right," he laughed. "You're a good sentry, Sally Ann. Go back and watch again. Scoot!"

Merrill's room she seemed to want the bad job out of the way. Perhaps when Mary Jane asked her to hurry with the cover cloth, Amanda hurried a little too fast with her scouring of faucets or perhaps she was just careless. However it happened, she turned on the cold water and it poured over her from the ceiling in an ice cold shower. "Heavens! Honey! Lor' a mercy!

Lor'! when my young mars' brung his bride over from Orleans dat chile didn't have a gownd in her trunk dat warn't made of Injy silk; an' she did look han'some a-trailin' round in 'em. An' you tell me I donno what fine dressin' is! Go 'long, chile! you've lost your manners."

It was dreadful to think so, but there seemed no other alternative, and Fanny’s heart grew sadder, and her step less joyous and elastic, while her merry laugh was now seldom heard ringing out in its clear, silvery tones, making the servants stop their work to listen and exclaim, "How lonesome t’would be without Miss Fanny; she’s the life of the house, Lor’ bless her."

His heart stopped, and then began to race. His cheeks flushed a dusky crimson. His jaw fell, and a prickly warmth glowed in the parts about his spine. 'Goo'! His fingers sought his collar. 'Crumbs! He was hot all over. 'Goo' Lor'! She's been pinched! He tugged at his collar. It was choking him. Alf Brooks did not show up well in the first real crisis which life had forced upon him.