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"Then I'll tell you who you saw," said the gambler coolly; "it was Marshall Langham." The handy-man swore a great oath. "You've guessed it, boss! You've guessed it." "It ain't a guess as it happens." "Boss, do you mean to tell me you knew all along?" demanded Montgomery incredulously. "Yes." "But what about North?" "That's his lookout, let him clear himself."

Holmes looked over his glasses, a flash of appreciation in his eyes. Since Tommy had gone to the Front his father was on the lookout for any one who stayed behind under the shelter of a khaki uniform and Major Harrison was said to belong to that rapidly growing unit. "Look out, Duke," he warned. "He's a great persuader, he'll have you in The Blue Bonnets before you know what's happened you."

And on the morning of the fourth day, when the sullen sea was trying to calm itself, and when the wind had died down to a moderate gale, the lookout of the Sirius called out: "Sail ho!" "Where away?" came the demand. "Dead ahead. She's a schooner, low in the water, and she's flying a signal of distress!" Instantly there was commotion and excitement on board the Sirius, for Russ and Mr.

As she crossed the veranda she saw Talouel, who, with his hands thrust in his pockets, was strolling about as though on the lookout for all that passed in the yards as well as in the offices. "Where are you going?" he demanded. "To the cable office with a message," replied Perrine. She held the paper in one hand and the money in the other.

These amiable disclosures were so fully in keeping with Paul Ducharme's reputation for candour and caution that I saw they made an excellent impression on my audience, and here the chairman intervened, putting an end to further cross-examination by saying they all had the utmost confidence in the judgment of Monsieur Paul Ducharme, and the Paris delegate might advise his friends to be on the lookout for the London representative within the next three or four days.

They held their ground, supposing the approaching vessels to be only supply-ships for Gibraltar, without a strong force of men-of-war, an unfortunate error from which they did not awake until too late to escape, owing to the yet more unfortunate oversight of having no lookout frigates thrown out.

The seamen not occupied at the helm, or on the lookout, stowed themselves away in comfortable places. "We are going nearly south now," said Ibbotson, as he and Little seated themselves under the weather rail. "South-west by south," added Little, gloomily; for even he had almost lost hope.

He had one of his own, about Katy's age, and was fond of talking about her. Lucy was his mainstay at home, he told Katy. Her mother had been "weakly" now this long time back, and Bess and Nanny were but children yet, so Lucy had to take command and keep things ship-shape when he was away. "She'll be on the lookout when the steamer comes in," said the Captain.

He also occupied Lookout Mountain, west of the town, which Rosecrans had abandoned, and with it his control of the river and the river road as far back as Bridgeport.

"To tell the truth," admitted the other, smilingly; "time was when I wouldn't have thought of noticing a single thing about such a man; but you see, I've been studying up the rules and suggestions our scout-master loaned me, and it keeps on telling greenhorns and tenderfeet to always be on the lookout, so as to remember what they see.