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Betsy reached her arms up longingly and the old woman stooped over her. Neither of them said a single word during the long embrace which followed. Then Aunt Abigail straightened up hastily, took her candle very quickly and softly, and heavily padded out of the room. Betsy turned over and flung one arm over Molly no Molly, either, after tomorrow!

Perhaps the moor air had something to answer for already. "Well, come along," said Miss Ashe, while, murmuring something about hot water, she bustled off to the kitchen. "No, Guard, you must wait down here," said his mistress, as he rose to follow them; and with his feet on the bottom stair he stood still, gazing after them longingly, but without attempting to follow.

More than one of the men glanced over the taffrail longingly as the schooner gathered way.

And all the time the lonely little creature on the balcony sat and watched them longingly, her little pale face pressed against the bars, her plain black dress almost hiding her from notice. "'How happy they look, those pretty young ladies, the lonely little girl said to herself.

Send me your "Ideals," and, when it is ready, your "Dante;" those I am looking for longingly. The boys have just come in; the well-brought-up K. thanks you a thousand times for your remembrance of him. More tomorrow, God willing. My blessings on you! Your VENICE, February 23rd, 1859. To my hurried lines of yesterday I add a more comprehensive letter today. I have many things to tell you.

Dear friend, shall we, perhaps, to bed presently our way wend yess?" "Yes, dear; but you are not very charitable about Alixe. And I tell you I've my own ideas about her illness especially as she is at Clifton. . . . I wonder where her little beast of a husband is?" But Austin only yawned and looked at the toes of his slippers, and then longingly at the pillows.

For a long time Nan said that nothing would make her go to bed, but at last mum, who is very sweet, and of whom Nan is really quite afraid, persuaded her to lie down, and herself brought up a dose of quinine. It had rained all the morning, but the sun was shining so brightly now that the twins stood looking longingly out of the nursery window, while mummie helped Nan into bed.

The Ten Hundred prepared after a last night in the line to move back during the first week in April for the long rest upon which their anticipations had been longingly concentrated for weeks. No Battalion moved more than a few miles behind the sectors owing to the uncertainty of future enemy developments.

Only Rubens could have painted these spirited, impossible, glorious things, which for all their greatness send one's thoughts back longingly to the portrait of his wife, in the Tribuna, while No. 216 the Bacchanale is so coarse as almost to send one's feet there too. Looking round the room, after Rubens has been dismissed, it is too evident that the best of the Uffizi collection is behind us.

He raised his gun to shoot the rifle bird, but lowered it again. "I couldn't preserve it if I shot it," he said. "Come along." They continued the ascent, finding the heat in the sheltered valley rather more than they could bear, and Carey looked longingly down to his right at the placidly flowing river, thinking how pleasant a dip would be.