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Nancy looked after him, longingly, wonderingly. "The maddening thing is, Aunt Bell, that sometimes he actually has the power to make me believe in him. But, oh, doesn't Christ's union with his Church have some ghastly symbols!" Two months later a certain tension in the rectory of St. Antipas was temporarily relieved.

'Toothache, growled Topsy, who had a deep, bass voice, and being modelled on the canine lines of her late lamented father, the growl suited her admirably. 'I had two out last week, and now this one's started. 'Try a roasted fig, Topsy dear, suggested her mother, who, now, having finished her hot water, looked longingly at the kettle for more.

Suddenly, as she struggled against that overpowering weight of misery and despair, her thoughts flew longingly to another man, and for an instant she seemed to look into his eyes whimsical, a little tender, with a faint touch of suppressed longing in their clear gray depths. "Buck! Oh, Buck!" she yearned under her breath.

However, perhaps your views as to a solitary residence here will change with your engagement to my niece." Hamel did not reply for a moment. He was trying to ask himself why, even in the midst of this rush of anticipatory happiness, he should be conscious of a certain reluctance to leave the Tower and Mr. Fentolin. He was looking longingly towards the Hall. Mr. Fentolin waved him away.

I managed to keep up until after midday, when my legs suddenly refused to carry me farther. I told Ward to tomahawk me if he wished, but that I must rest before moving another step. There was no question as to his inclination, for his brown hand fondled his ax most longingly. He dismounted and boosted me on to his horse.

His mind lingered longingly upon the marvel of the dark eyes, while the cheery sound of that last rippling outburst of laughter reëchoed in his ears like music. His had been a lonely life since leaving West Point and joining his regiment a life passed largely among rough men and upon the desolate plains.

In the full, unclouded light of the white moon she was a pathetic figure, bending and crouching and straining, and reaching down longingly, then stopping to listen to the complaints of pain and terror that came up out of the dark.

Is there an answer, a true and safe one for the millions who are eagerly and longingly seeking for it in all parts of the world to-day, and for the millions yet unborn who will as eagerly strive to find it as the years come and go? Are you interested, my dear reader, in the answer?

Hitherto Fortune had always hovered before his eyes, obscurely, like a fairy-tale, as something that suddenly swooped down upon a man and lifted him to higher regions, while all those who were left behind gazed longingly after him that was the worst of it!

All the Islands felt very sore about the new regulations, and our people stick at nothing when their blood is up." "They do not," said Gard feelingly. "I'd like to get into that inner cave," said the Doctor longingly. "You couldn't," said Gard, looking at his size and girth. "It's a mighty tight squeeze under the slab, and that tunnel would beat you.