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We're better able to perceive the value of good advice." Master Jacobus Huysman put the stem of his long pipe back in his mouth, took the very longest draught upon it that he had ever drawn, removed it again, sent the smoke rushing in another beautiful spear of spirals toward the ceiling, and, then, for the first and last time in his life, he lost all control over himself.

"It is not the swiftest leaping deer that gives the longest chase," returned Hawkeye, without moving his eyes from the different marks that had come under his view; "we know that the rampaging Huron has passed, and the dark hair, and the singer, but where is she of the yellow locks and blue eyes?

The argument is turned upside down, they forget what they are trying to prove, and finally go off abusing one another and brushing the sweat from their brows; victory rests with him who can show the boldest front and the loudest voice, and hold his ground the longest. The people, especially those who have nothing better to do, adore them, and stand spellbound under their confident bawlings.

"Come and help me dig bait, and then let's go fishing. If there's a worm in every hole in that bedpost, we could go into the fish business. It's a good business." "Better than painting?" I asked. But he ignored my gibe and swelled up alarmingly in order to sigh. "This is the worst day of the year for me," he affirmed, staring straight ahead, "and the longest. Look at that crazy clock over there.

In a quiet country house, with no other young person in the family, there was of course, at Wyllys-Roof, very little excitement that necessary ingredient of life to many people; and yet, Elinor had never passed a tedious day there. On the longest summer morning, or winter evening, she always found enough to occupy her time and attention.

Warrington sat down; the bridge-builder whirled his chair around and stared at his visitor, not insolently, but with kindly curiosity. "You've filled out," was all he said. After fully satisfying his eyes, he added: "I dare say you expected to find father. He's been gone six years," indicating one of the two portraits over his desk. It was not at the "old man" Warrington looked longest.

Love keeps it sweet and good the love He brought into the world at Christmas to temper the hard reason of man. Let it loose for that little spell. January comes soon enough with its long cold. Always it seems to me the longest month in the year. It is so far to another Christmas! To say that Ribe was an old town hardly describes it to readers at this day.

What love there is lasts longest between the mother and her daughter. The only way in which a labourer exhibits his affection is when another labourer in authority, as a carter, ill-treats his boy a too common case and then he speaks loudly, and very properly. But even in most serious matters there is a strange callousness.

Watatic, and the neighboring hills in this State and in New Hampshire, are a continuation of the same elevated range on which we were standing. But that New Hampshire bluff, that promontory of a State, lowering day and night on this our State of Massachusetts, will longest haunt our dreams.

Hitherto he had sat in our group in silence. When he opened his mouth to discourse, it was natural that he should have a prompt and somewhat curious hearing. "Speaking of walking," he said, "I have walked a bit in my time. Mostly, though, I've rode on freight-cars. The longest straight tramp I ever made was from Harrisburg to Philadelphia once when the trains weren't running.