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This boat is a government secret in itself, and my new torpedo makes it a double secret. No one but a picked crew will be allowed on it, except " "'Except, sir?" "Well, I admit I could command it. But it would be very unwise, Catin, and, I assure you, I shall get along all right." Mlle. de Longeon's apartment was characteristic of the lady herself.

Longeon's cleverly planned plot, the almost incredible rescue of the submarine and recovery of Ensign Summers' torpedo boat plans, as well as the fact that the year of adventure was rapidly drawing to a close and that Harry's growing hostility and the increasing danger of exposure at the hands of some one of his aides, made the secretary willing to take every chance, made it imperative that he should have a lieutenant who could be trusted to strike boldly.

"What did you mean another piece of work?" asked Pauline as she clung to his arm. "My car is at the Navy Yard pier," was his only answer. She still clung to him in tremulous uncertainty as the motor sped them up through Broadway, into Fifth avenue, and on to the door of Mlle. de Longeon's hotel.

Stronger both in body and in spirit than the adventuress, she grasped her wrists, and in the luxurious, soft-curtained room there raged two battles. But the struggles did not last long. Harry hurled his antagonist, an exhausted wreck, to the floor, and sprang to the side of Pauline. Throwing off Mlle. de Longeon's grasp, he picked up the packet from the floor, and with Pauline ran from the room.