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Among the lost were his sister and her husband, who now slept quietly beneath the billowy surf of the Atlantic. Fanny so strongly resembled her Aunt that it was not strange Mr. Middleton for an instant fancied he again looked on the features of his long-lost sister.

It was enclosed to me by the Postmaster-General, who says that it arrived last week in the long-lost mail of the steamship Algol, which you doubtless recollect was lost some time ago, plying between New York and Havre; It now appears that a Dutch sailing vessel bound for Tasmania wherever that may be; somewhere among the cannibals, I presume boarded her after she had been deserted by the crew, and secured the mail bags, intending to put in along the Spanish coast and land them, but stress of weather drove them so far out to sea, that they sailed on to some point in Africa, and as the postmasters in that progressive and enlightened region did not serve their apprenticeship in the United States Postal Bureau, you perceive that your document has not had 'despatch. If salt water is ever a preservative, your news ought not to be stale."

Cleary?" exclaimed Colonel James. "It seems to me that your pleasantries are in very doubtful taste while our lives are in the balance." Cleary made no answer, but went on crying, "Oh, my brothers, my long-lost brothers!" "What do you mean?" ejaculated Carlos, in a rage. "I will give you one minute in which to explain, and then your head will fall." "We are your brothers. We are Moritos.

You learn I've lied to you, and two or three hours later you save my life. You sit there steady, with my haid in your lap, while some one is plugging away at us. You get me to a house, take care of my wounds, and hold the fort alone in the night till help comes. Not only that, but you drive my enemy away. Later, you bring me home, and nurse me like I was a long-lost brother.

Waller, and the staff received them as long-lost son and daughter; and with the least delay by decency allowed they went to the stable to see Blazing Star, still Fort Ryan's pride. The whinnied welcome and the soft-lipped fumbling after sugar were the outward tokens of his gladness at the meeting. "He's the same as ever, Jim," said the Colonel, "but we didn't race last summer.

"What, then?" Mr. Carless smiled grimly. "That the long-lost Lord Marketstoke was alive and in England!" he said. "Here, in fact, in London!" Mr. Pawle smiled too. But his smile was not grim it was, rather, the smile of a man who hears what he has been expecting to hear. "I thought it would be something of that sort!" he exclaimed. "Aye, I fancied that would be the game!"

So he had a Vase of Fresh Flowers put on his Desk every Day, and he would sit there, waiting for the Muse to keep her Date. At the end of a Month he had it all planned to lay the First Scene in front of a Palace with a Forest on the Back Drop so as to get a lot of Atmosphere. There was to be a Princess in the Thing, and a Picture of the long-lost Mother in the Locket and other New Stuff.

Consequently, being advised beforehand, Hope had no difficulty in recognizing the oddly shaped case, which was made somewhat in the Egyptian form. On the impulse of the moment he had proclaimed this to be the long-lost mummy, and when a closer examination by the light of a lucifer match revealed the green hue of the coffin wood, he knew that he was right.

And now supper is ready," said Clarence, heartily, as the four servants came up, each with a dish to set on the cloth, quite an unnecessary pageantry where one would have been enough, but that they all wanted to see the long-lost man.

I am a splendid listener, as my dear Fergus used to say." "Something wonderful," repeated Olivia, breathlessly. "Why, Aunt Madge, I feel as though I were in the third volume of a sensational novel. What do you think? Robert Barton, whom Marcus found starving on a doorstep, is Mr. Gaythorne's long-lost son, Alwyn." It was evident that Mrs.