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She said to herself that it was impossible; then she also said to herself, with no bitterness, but with an acquiescence in the logic of it, that it would be much better for them all if she, Maria, should die. Evelyn's return of appetite and spirits endured only a few days. Then she seemed worse than she had been before.

No possible logic will lead a man ahead of his own intelligence; neither will any take from him the persuasions which correspond to his mental condition.

All these houses are called castles, and castles they are compared with the cabins. The land around it did not seem very good. There was something pathetic in the evident attempt to keep up lordly state on a poor income and off poor soil. Happy America, whose people are not compelled by the inexorable logic of circumstances to be lords, but can be plain farmers.

They have no underlying generalities on which to stand. Law and logic and eternity are nothing to them. They only know that it rains, and they will have to wait another week before they go a-fishing; and why couldn't it have rained Friday just as well as Saturday? and it always does rain or something when I want to go anywhere, so, there!

Mr Willmott, indeed, speaks disparagingly of some of the severer studies especially of logic and mathematics; declaring that they 'can only be useful to a full mind, and that, 'if they find it empty, they leave it in the same state. Of course, he may be allowed to have his opinion on such a matter; but we presume it will not be very generally adopted.

By what logic can I say that I should have a part in the conduct of this world and that my neighbor should not? Who is to decide what degree of intelligence shall fit a man for a share in the government? How are we to select the few capable men that are to rule all the rest? As a matter of fact, men have been rulers who had neither the average intelligence nor virtue of the people they governed.

But lo! ere he had been an hour at home, he found his things put neatly away in his drawers on the feminine or vertical system deep strata of waistcoats, strata of trousers, strata of coats, strata of papers and his Logic gone. In the course of the evening he taxed his sister good-humouredly, and asked "What earthly use that book was to her, not wearing curls."

His quick sensibility, the way in which he acquired every sort of learning, his command of logic, and, withal, his swift, unerring gift of language, made it certain from the very first that he must be sent to the university as soon as he had finished school, and could afford to go.

And yet, says reason, if it so befall that you yourselves may go ashore to yonder island, what logic shall keep Czerny's men from the same good anchorage? They are as twenty to one against you. If there are houses there, and stores for the sun-time, who will shut them to this horde of desperadoes? Aye, the head reels to think of it; the hours pass slowly; to-morrow we shall know.

When perfectly familiar with the practice and the forms of arithmetic, and sufficiently mature in intellect, they awaken gradually and surely, and almost without an effort, to the beautiful logic which underlies the science. How do we learn language in childhood? Is it not solely on authority and by example?