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She was very sorry, she said, but she was not to blame, and then she told him about the log, and he went straight out and dug until he found it, and then they burned it, and she died, and was buried like a Christian, and everybody was pleased. Bare or Bere or Verah or Dera or Dhera was a very famous person, perhaps the mother of the Gods herself.

Rogers stepped up, with his eyes like two auger-holes, and said he, 'Captain, we're makin' no knots an hour. We're not sailing at all. "'Get out, roared the captain, 'don't you see the sails? Don't you feel the wind? Throw that log again, sir. "Well, they threw the log again, the captain saw it done, and sure enough Mr. Rogers was right. The vessel wasn't moving.

Nasmyth toiled on in the river until the camp-cook hammered upon a suspended iron sheet as a signal that supper was ready. The summons was answered without delay. With the water running from their clothing Nasmyth and his men went back to the little log shanty. One or two changed their dripping garments, but the rest left their clothes to dry upon them, as their employer did.

There is the luxurious camp on Tupper's Lake, with its log cabins in the spruce-grove, and its regiment of hungry men who ate almost a deer a day; and there is the little bark shelter on the side of Mount Marcy, where the governor and the boy, with baskets full of trout from the Opalescent River, are spending the night, with nothing but a fire to keep them warm.

"Here's the place," exclaimed Betty, at length, as they came to the log where they had sat when Mollie and Amy dug up the box of diamonds. "It doesn't look as though they had come back and searched in vain for the treasure," said Betty. There was no evidence in the sand, that was certain. The girls looked about a bit, and then strolled on.

The speed increases, the log itself disappears in a flurry of foam those on the bridge hold their breath. Then it comes up again. The current thrusts against its hinder end, and the buoyant wood answers to it like the tail of a fish, slipping sideways round; the steersman sways, but with a swing of his pole recovers his balance, and stands steady as before. A sigh of relief from the watchers.

McNamara had good luck, and killed about a dozen gray squirrels, which he slung to his belt. He had turned homeward, and was picking his way through the fallen timber, when a Grizzly arose from behind a log about fifty yards away. McNamara raised his carbine and fired. The bear howled and started for him, and McNamara felt in his belt for another cartridge, but none was there.

The cat's name was Darco. Jonas took a pair of heavy iron tongs, which stood by the side of the fire, and pulled forward the log. He found that it had burned through, and by three or four strokes with the tongs, he broke it up into large fragments of coal, of a dark-reddish color.

"My precious one, my darling!" he stammered, and dropping down on one knee by the big log, he put his arms round me. "Oh!" I said. And then my head was nestling down into his neck, and instead of being wretched I was perfectly happy. "Who has dared to make you cry?" he asked, holding me close. "You," I answered.

You poor little chap! you poor little chap! You were right there all the time and you didn't know. And you don't know now when I tell you I'm the happiest man alive! You lie there like a little log. Well, sleep away, little chap. What does it matter to you?" It was the Little Lover's own guardian-angel who kept him from waking up, but Uncle Larry did not know.