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The minister picked up the young man easily and placed him in the big chair before the guest realized what was doing, and then turned and took the ten dollar bill between his thumb and finger and flipped it down in the young man's lap. "Keep it," he said briefly, "It's of no consequence." "But it was long distance," explained the guest loftily, "It'll be quite a sum. I talked overtime."

The bean and the pea may more loftily tower, But I care not a button for them; Defiance I nod with my beautiful flower When the earth is hoed up to my stem. Ceres, goddess of agriculture, had one daughter, named Proserpina, whom she loved more than anything else in earth or sky.

"Arguing, mama?" asked Suzanne loftily. "I'm not arguing. I'm just not going. I have my reasons for not wanting to go, and I'm not going, that's all! Now you may go if you want to." Mrs. Dale looked into Suzanne's eyes and saw for the first time a gleam of real defiance in them. What had brought this about? Why was her daughter so set of a sudden, so stubborn and hard?

"We will count it that you are here as my guest," said Sophia, loftily, "if that is how you look at it." "Oh no!" said Constance. "It isn't the money I grudge. Oh no, we won't." And her tears were falling thick. "Yes, we will," said Sophia, coldly. "I've only been talking to you for your own good. "Well," Constance interrupted her despairingly, "I wish you wouldn't try to domineer over me!"

"If you would mind your own affairs for about five minutes, Miss Thornton," Elsie Kirk was saying passionately, as Susan came in, "you'd be a good deal better off!" "I consider what concerns Front Office concerns me!" said Miss Thornton loftily. "Ah, don't!" Miss Sherman murmured pitifully. "If Violet wasn't such a darn FOOL " Miss Cashell said lightly, and stopped. "What IS it?" asked Susan.

“I pardon you,” quoth the emissary, loftily, “I will commend your vigilance to the admiral.” “May Moloch give your Lordship ten thousand children,” called back the mollified Semite. The crew of the cutter dropped their blades into the water. The boats glided apart. Not till there was a safe stretch betwixt them did Glaucon begin to grow hot, then cold, then hot again.

Herschel was once passing by this street astronomer, who was crying his wares, and a sudden impulse coming over him to see how bad the man's lens might be, he stopped to take a peep at Earth's satellite. He handed out the usual tuppence, but the owner of the telescope loftily passed it back saying, "I takes no fee from a fellow-philosopher!"

He actually asked the famous singer to return it to him, and at the same time she was approached by some sort of agent from the family who offered her a fat compensation." "It was a matter of sentiment," said Madame Beattie loftily. "You've no right to say it was a question of money. It is extremely bad taste." "She had ceased singing," said Alston.

And his laugh was frequent and hearty, and somehow the room and all in it felt the influence of his presence like the glow, and cheer, and crackle of a bright Christmas fire. Miss Becky Chattesworth, very stately in a fine brocade, and a great deal of point lace, received Puddock very loftily, and only touched his hand with the tips of her fingers. It was plain he was not yet taken into favour.

'In a moment in a moment, said the lawyer, signalling to him to be quiet, as loftily as if chapel, hall, and sexton were his private property. It was one of those moments into which a good deal of talk is fitted, and which seem somewhat of the longest to those who await its expiration.