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The mine has been worked on the surface, but the deeper it goes the richer is the lode; and no ages will exhaust the treasures that are hid in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Katubwé, the northern hill on the left bank, had been bought, together with Akromasi Point and the Avin valley, by the late M. Bonnat, who cleared it and began shafting it for gold in the usual routine way. During the last six months it has been overgrown with dense vegetation. Mr. Walker believes, not unreasonably, that this lode is connected with the Apatim or Bujiá reefs.

Prospecting for minerals is at once an art and a gamble. Skill, acquired by long experience or instinctive and there are men who seem to possess the latter counts for much, but chance plays a leading part. Provisions, tents and packhorses are expensive, and though a placer mine may be worked by two partners, a reef or lode can be disposed of only to men with means sufficient to develop it.

First of all, she thought of Steve O'Valley's Irish grandfather, by like name, who spent his life in Virginia City trying to find a claim equal to the Comstock lode, dying penniless but with a prospector's optimism that had he been permitted to live manana surely would have seen the turning of the tide.

Perhaps his late host had lied, and knew of the existence of the hidden house. Perhaps he had spoken of some "silvery rock" the night before he even knew something of the lode itself. He turned upon him with an aggressive face. But Collinson's next words dissipated the thought. "I'm glad I found ye, anyhow," he said.

You might sell your rights of discovery, might not you?" "Non! Non! There is othaire thing, there is a most good possibilitee, thees mother lode, Mistaire Steering, it come out, I think it come out somewhere, eh? Mistaire Steering, have you got leetle mawney?" "That's exactly how much, Uncle Bernique, a little."

During many years of practical experience I have never known a single instance where a lode, on being worked, gave a return according to assay, and I have never known any mine where some of the precious metals could not be found in the tailings or slag.

In fact, the southern boundary marches with the northern limit of the Crockerville estate. The rich gold-bearing lode is situated on the western slope of the hill, and can be seen in all the three shafts which have been sunk. The formation of the hill seems in many respects to correspond with the Lingula flags at and near Clogau, Dolgelli, and Gogafau.

Probably none had seen a quartz ledge before coming to California, yet the necessity for extending a claim as far as the ledge dipped was soon perceived, as also the taking into consideration a change in the direction or course of the lode. Commenting on these laws and the causes leading to their adoption, Mr. Muslin became emphatic.

It's a hard case I call it devilish hard." "Well, it is hard," said Balfour; "that is, supposing all you say is true. But frankly, my good Sir, I don't believe you. I mean no offense; but, since you have not seen the lode with your own eyes, you must pardon me for doubting its existence." "Well, then, Sir, I have seen it, and that's the long and short of it.