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'I will not go till I get one more locker open, he thought; and then set at work again with his pick-locks and skeleton keys. This compartment was the easiest of all rifled; the box of coin was secured and put into his sack. He then carefully closed and relocked the doors, hoisted his bag, now extremely heavy, upon his back, and retraced his steps.

When it was over, however, it appeared that the stimulant had been partly assimilated, for Melchard was able to stand. When he had got his arms into the overcoat, Dick led him to the car. From the locker under the seat he produced a thick tumbler. "Get in," he said, and half-filled the glass from the bottle.

He had a thoroughly lively and healthy interest in your poetry, and he showed me some of your boyish attempts at versification. Taking your dear father altogether, I quite believe him to have been one of those men interesting men whom the world never hears of. My dear Browning, I really hope you will draw up a slight sketch of your father before it is too late. Yours, Frederick Locker.

Suppose you try to sleep for awhile." Porky smiled. "Say, Colonel, that's good of you!" he said. "We are done up a bit, aren't we, Beany?" Beany did not reply. He was sound asleep, sitting bolt upright on his locker. "Hello there, young fellows," the Colonel said cheerily twelve hours later. "How do you feel after your little nap? Think you could eat a little something?"

"I never had such a battle in my life!" he said to that scheming young creature. "They didn't give in till they'd fired off every shot in their locker. Trafalgar and the Nile were nothin' to it." "But do you really mean to say," asked Ruth, who could hardly speak at first for laughing, "that you intend to buy all these theological books and set the sisters to work?" "To be sure I do.

"I have told you what you have heard that you may understand how thoroughly I sympathize with you, for all is over with me in that direction, as I suppose all is over with you in your direction. And now I must go, for this long conference may be remarked. But before I go, I will say that if ever you " "Oh, no, no, no!" interrupted Locker, "it would not do at all!

After she had locked and latched the door she set about the business of emptying her kit bags. She hung the evening gown she had worn all day in the locker, laid her toilet articles on the dresser, and set the brass hand warmer on the lowboy. Then she let down her hair and began to brush it. She swung a thick strand of it over her shoulder and ran her hand down under it.

"Go and send the mate to me. Don't hurry. And if anybody noticed me come aboard and should ask you who I am, say I'm a pal of yours." The seaman, marvelling greatly, withdrew, and the skipper, throwing himself on a locker, wiped a bit of grit out of his eye and sat down to wait for the mate.

Tom, you and the boy rouse the cable up get about ten fathoms on deck, and bend it. You'll find a bit of seizing and a marling-spike in the locker abaft." The sloop scuddled before the gale, and in less than two hours was close to the headland pointed out by the master. "Now, Newton, we must hug the point or we shall not fetch clap on the main sheet here, all of us. Luff, you may, handsomely.

"Only just when we were getting dry at last " "What's the matter with stripping," asked Steve cheerfully, suiting action to word. "Is there a can or anything I can put it in, Ossie?" "There's a jug in the starboard locker. There's about a pint of vinegar in it, but I guess we can sacrifice that." "Drink it, Steve, and save it," suggested Perry.