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Nine A.M. Loch tells me he must be off, so I must end my brief epistle. I take up my abode in Pekin to-day, in the palace of the Prince of I., who played me false at Tung-chow. Pekin, Prince of I.'s Palace. October 30th. I have been in bed for two days with an attack of influenza, but I am better to-day, though not by way of going out.

Through the cleared air we travelled at a good speed, off the Moor, among Bredalbane braes, and fast though we went it was a weary march, but at last we reached Loch Tulla, and from there to the Bridge of Urchy was no more than a meridian daunder. The very air seemed to change to a kinder feeling in this, the frontier of the home-land. A scent of wet birk was in the wind.

It was a damp, moist, uncomfortable reality, as Mantalini would say not very grand or striking in any respect. A subsequent excursion to the Trosachs, Loch Katrine, Loch Long, and the Clyde, afforded me a better opportunity of judging, yet it all seemed tame and commonplace compared with the scenery of California and Norway.

It is not excellent, but, thanks to the great beauty of the scenery, the many points of view on so large and indented a lake, the charm of the wood and wild flowers, Loch Awe is well worth a visit from persons who do not pitch their hopes too high. Loch Awe would have contented me less had I been less fortunate in my boatman.

He was passing a wood at the time, and the windy tumult as well as the roaring from the loch made confusion for his hearing; but presently he recognised the intruding sound as the throbbing of a motor. "Some silly fool got a breakdown," he was thinking sympathetically, when a terrific gust caught and fairly staggered him.

"I find, Vallery, that your son owes his life to this little fellow, for had it not been for his judgment and courage, he would have been carried into the loch, before Alec Morrison could have come up to save him," he exclaimed. Captain and Mrs Vallery expressed their gratitude, and as may be supposed, everybody praised little Robby's bravery.

The old man shifted his weight from one foot to the other; he looked out through the open window onto the strip of meadow extending into the loch. Finally he replied: "The master did not name the hour of his return." I did not press the interrogation.

We were soon rolling more disagreeably than ever. But this added annoyance did not last for long. Something or other happened. The motion of the vessel became easier, and at last, peeping into my cabin, Saxton Noble announced that we were back again in Loch Laxford. The megaphones of Cape Wrath had announced that a fog was coming.

Loch, and a trooper of Probyn's Horse; the French subjects were M. l'Escayrac de Lauture, who was at the head of a scientific mission, and four soldiers. In a subsequent letter, Lord Elgin paid to Mr. Parkes this well-merited tribute. 'Mr.

"It is too much to ask you to talk while we are walking up that hill, and I don't want you to leave out any details, however unimportant they may appear to you." They had reached a place where a wide horseshoe of beach ran down to the loch. For more than a week there had been no rain to speak of.