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After I have been with you a few years I may learn enough about my own period to discuss it intelligently." "There is something in that," replied the doctor. "Meanwhile, you see that great building with the dome just across the square? That is our local Industrial Exchange.

Nor were the President of the Local Council and the Postmaster overlooked; until the company had run through the whole list of urban officials. And in every case those officials appeared to be persons of the highest possible merit. "Do you devote your time entirely to your estate?" asked Chichikov, in his turn.

In course of time the leucocytes pass through the vessel wall emigration of leucocytes and move towards the seat of infection, giving rise to a marked degree of local leucocytosis. Through the openings by which the leucocytes have escaped from the vessels, red corpuscles may be passively extruded diapedesis of red corpuscles.

And even in the most populous states, when special legislation should be cast aside, and local legislation left to the localities affected, complete direct legislation need be no more unmanageable than in the smallest. United farmers, wage-workers, and other classes of citizens, in the light of these facts, might naturally demand direct legislation.

The Thursday German had known him as of old, and many were the delightful dinners where he proved, by merit alone, the life of the party. Nor were his pleasures by any means all dissociated from Blaines College. The local prestige that the president acquired from his position was decidedly agreeable to him.

One by one he had removed all the old dwellers in the castle, and, so far as was possible, the outside tenantry also, and substituted creatures of his own men who would do his bidding, whatsoever it were, and who had no local interests or attachment to the former family. And, little by little, his rule had been growing as hard and cruel as that of a medieval tyrant could be.

These recommendations will be revolutionary. But all these recommendations, however, will be rooted in one fundamental principle with which there can be no compromise: Local school boards must have control over local schools.

British and American contractors discovered the virgin field awaiting them, and local politicians discovered the cash value of votes and influence. The example set in the United States was powerful.

While business can be conducted over the telephone, as if the speakers stood face to face, yet such transactions not being recorded, will not stand in law, if one of the parties should dispute the other's word. There are two kinds of expresses, viz.: local and general. The names describe the provinces of each, though a general express may do a local business.

As far as the eye could reach, it saw but a field of desolation." The river of Basse-Pointe overflowed with a torrent of black water, which carried several houses away. Black rains fell. Again, and for the last time could a volcano give any further warning? Yet the governor, a scientific commission, and the local paper joined in advising the inhabitants of St.