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Her crooked, knotty fingers, hard as a lobster's claws, seized the tubers, which were lying in a pail, as if they had been a pair of pincers, and she peeled them rapidly, cutting off long strips of skin with an old knife which she held in the other hand, throwing the potatoes into the water as they were done.

"Why, Nan, I thought you were fond of me!" and Tommy's voice was full of tender reproach. "If you mind Jack's laughing I don't care for you one bit." "Then you may take back your old ring; I won't wear it any longer;" and Tommy plucked off a horsehair pledge of affection which Nan had given him in return for one made of a lobster's feeler.

My grandfather and I turned with amazement to Sailor Ben. His eyes were standing out of his head like a lobster's. "It's my own little Irish lass!" shouted the sailor, and he darted into the hall after her. Even then we scarcely caught the meaning of his words, but when we saw Sailor Ben and Kitty sobbing on each other's shoulder in the kitchen, we understood it all.

He was not above five feet three inches, and his fingers, very long and skinny, went to and fro under his Point ruffles like a Lobster's Feelers.

The elephant does cast his tusks, but only in the juvenile state, when they are not bigger than lobster's claws; and the pair that succeeds these is permanent, and has to last him for life perhaps for centuries for no one can tell how long the mighty elephant roams over this sublunary planet.

You remember when you were here, I said that I meant to have a livery, for my sister Margaret told me that when they used to drive in Hyde Park, with the old Marquis of Mammon, it was always so delightful to hear him say, "Ah! there is Lady Lobster's livery." It was so aristocratic.

Already his efforts grew his face was purple; his veins stood out in ropes upon his brow till they seemed upon the point of bursting; his eyes protruded like a lobster's and there was a horrible grin upon his mouth; still his heels beat the bed, and still he struggled.

"Avast!" burst out of the chest of Fid, with an awfulness and depth that stayed even the daring; movements of that lawless moment. "Who dare to cast a seaman into the brine, with the dying look standing in his lights, and his last words still in his messmate's ears? Ha! would ye stopper the fins of a man as ye would pin a lobster's claw! That for your fastenings and your lubberly knots together!"

I found it very popular and attractive, but occasionally some countryman would suggest to his fellow spectator that a little motion in the figures would add much to the reality of the show. After much reflection I concluded to go in among the figures dressed like the Evil One, in a dark robe, with a death's-head and cross-bones wrought upon it, and with a lobster's claw for a nose.

"They're long and thin, like worms, only bigger. Oh, it's a mud-turtle!" Bunny exclaimed as he came closer, "A great big mud-turtle, Sue," "Will he will he bite? "He might. He's got a head like a lobster's claw," replied Bunny. "But he won't bite me 'cause I won't let him get hold of my finger." "He might bite our dog! Come away, Splash!" Sue cried.