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"He air a new squatter," said Ben laconically, turning to look at the queer pair. "He air her uncle," added Ezra pompously; "he air here to help her pappy out of his scrape." Ben did not answer, but stepped to the tracks with another evil backward look at Tess and her squatter friend. Forty or fifty sophomores loafed about the opera-house watching the caterers buzz to and fro.

We got into some dry clothing, and while our supper was preparing we loafed forsakenly through a couple of vast cavernous drawing-rooms, one of which had a stove in it. This stove was in a corner, and densely walled around with people.

At first, missing the abuse, he almost seemed to thirst for it; tried the gentle girl in every way sulked, and loafed, and took little streaks of trying to cut the course, and made false breaks as though he were going to run with a full vigor; even laid hold of the horses with his teeth when opportunity offered.

But nothing could have been more blandly unconscious than the Captain's manner. He had what is commonly described as "a kind word and a sweet smile for everybody." There were constabulary reserves a block away, but the Captain's appearance was an assurance that there would be no need for the reserves. He loafed about, chatting first with one group and then with another.

"Thank you," she said, looking up into the ruddy eyes that looked down. "I'll remember that. What is your name?" "Christina Blake, Miss Blake. I'll make The Hill before morning if I'm lucky. Less dust and heat by night and the horse has loafed since morning.... I mean that about coming to my place. Any time. Good-bye to you." She smiled a smile as casual in its own way as Sheila's own.

When he worked he worked with every particle of energy he possessed, but when he "loafed," as he expressed it, he cast all care to the winds and was like an emancipated school-boy. It was the school-boy side of his nature she had gauged. She knew nothing of Neil Stewart the Naval Officer and man; hadn't the very faintest conception of his latent force once it was stirred.

He said old Jeff Hooker would tell everybody, and we'd never hear the last of it. So we loafed along home down the back lanes, feeling pretty glum and not talking.

Thereafter promotion was rapid and easy for Menebhi, and the lad who had loafed about the streets with the outcasts of the city became, under the Sultan, the first man in Morocco.

Now he came to a wide lane of lime-trees and before him lay the town, asleep. He went into it. The streets lay dead, the doors were shut, the windows closed: all the people were resting; and he loafed.

Then drew a little and loafed a good deal on the Bundar watching the lateen-rigged boats. These boats take passengers to Elephanta or go off to the ships in the Bay with cargoes of brightly coloured fruits. The scene always reminds me of that beautiful painting by Tiepolo of the landing of Queen Elizabeth in our National Gallery I daresay one or two Edinburgh people may know it.