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Nothing could excel the coolness of the men under fire. With a hail of bullets and shells raining about them they sing and jest with each other unconcernedly. Wiping the dust of battle from his face and loading up for another shot, a Highlander will break forth into one of Harry Lauder's songs: "It's a wee deoch an' doruis, Jist a wee drap, that's a',"

With a terrible war-whoop the Indians rushed to the assault, but the men in the fort and in the house were good shots, and it was rarely that one of them missed his mark. Happily, there was a good stock of arms in both strongholds, and taking advantage of this, the women loaded the muskets and handed them to the men, who were thus enabled to fire quickly and were spared the fatigue of loading.

Sandy said it was true; there would be the initial expense of loading on to flat cars, and a couple of tunnels would have to be widened so the bulls wouldn't be rasped going through, but that I have already taken this up with the railroad company.

It was so short that when young Powell joined the Ferndale by a memorable stroke of chance, no more than seven months had elapsed since the let us say the liberation of the convict de Barral and his avatar into Mr Smith. For the time the ship was loading in London Anthony took a cottage near a little country station in Essex, to house Mr Smith and Mr Smith's daughter. It was altogether his idea.

Miss Jemima, steadying her voice, remarked with a sprightly air that there would be fine shooting when he should come back in the autumn. Then the little station came into view, looking very empty and deserted; two men loading a flat car were the only living objects to be seen. They paused in their work to greet Billy, and ask where he was off to.

At last they upset, not the clergy but the laws. Their offence was not grave, being rather a result of high spirits than of malice, but it brought the constabulary upon them and they were carried to the arsenal to work out the term of their imprisonment at loading ships and other heavy, uncongenial labor.

He calls her behaviour admirable, and at such times will repeat to me that it was he who saw to her loading. It is very curious, the habituation of this man, through a long life on the sea, to the motion of the sea. There is a rhythm to this chaos of crossing, buffeting waves. I sense this rhythm, although I cannot solve it. But Mr. Pike knows it.

"It hath been some days since I saw your worshipful sir. Methought that you had gone away." "Nay; I tarry here still for there is good cheer to be found at the Red Hand," quoth Francis with a bold swagger. "How busy thou art." "Yes; the likes o' us have to be. What with loading the cart, delivering, and unloading again, and caring for the nag I find the time full."

He talks nothing but bell, book, and candle, and delivers himself over to Satan oftener than a Presbyterian classis would do. He plays with the devil for sport only, and stakes his soul to nothing. He overcharges his oaths till they break and hurt himself only. He discharges them as fast as a gun that will shoot nine times with one loading.

He used every exertion therefore to prevent us from procuring pepper, being in hopes, if our ships were constrained to return to Portugal without loading, that they would come no more back to India.