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I asked, with great anxiety; though I meant to have shown no interest. "John was just at the very point of it," Lizzie answered me sharply, "when you chose to come in and stop him." "Then let him begin again," said I; "things being gone so far, it is now my duty to know everything, for the sake of you girls and mother."

She perfectly wearies me sometimes, although her voice is so soft and sweet, about your endless perfections. 'Bless her little heart! I said; 'the subject is inexhaustible. 'No doubt, replied Lizzie, in the driest manner; 'especially to your sisters. However this is no time to joke. I fear you will get the worst of it, John.

Peter Johnstone regularly visited The Dale, at short intervals, and in spite of many broad hints from her former mistress, she had never yet become sufficiently formal to knock at the door. "Come right up, Sarah Emily," Elizabeth called over the balustrade. "I knowed you'd be alone, Lizzie," said the visitor, mounting gayly.

Mary, idly reading, and comfortably stretched on a couch in her own room at eleven o'clock, was disturbed by the frantic and incessant ringing of the front doorbell. "Lizzie went in to Broadway, I suppose," she reflected uneasily. "But I oughtn't to go down this way! Let him try again."

Of course he knew that even a well-filled phalanx of hogsheads could not hold the enemy forever, but he was counting on the fire company to arrive in time to save the day. Gasping, clawing the air, ducking, diving here and there to escape the stream, Herbert Hutton presented a spectacle most amusing and satisfying to Bob's boy mind. "Beat it, Lizzie, beat it!

"Come, Becky, give us the swells at the ribbon counter." "Eh?" said Becky. Lizzie repeated her request, and the other girls joined in: "Yes, Becky, give us the swells at the ribbon counter; we want some fun." "They warn't funny," answered Becky, shortly. "Oh! now, Becky, what'd you stand there lis'nin' and lookin' at 'em so long for?" "'Cause they were sayin' somethin' I wanted to hear."

There was some money taken, and rings, and other jewellery." "Did you tell them that the diamonds had been really stolen on that occasion?" "They never asked me, Mr. Camperdown." "It is all as clear as a pike-staff, John," said the lawyer. "Quite clear, I should say," replied Mr. Eustace. "And I suppose I may go," said Lizzie, rising from her chair.

Never dae that again. Oh, my God, if ye kent, ye wadna let yer eyes licht on me, far less that. 'I know that we are very glad to see you again, and that you look very ill, dear Lizzie, said Gladys, her voice tremulous with her deep compassion; 'and I have come to take you away to Bourhill. Here is somebody quite ready, I think, to go.

The Album was picked up and there was a portrait of Kate just as she had desired, but beneath it was written, "The flower most admired by Kate." It was a severe lesson but let all vain girls profit by it. Lizzie is taking a ride on her pet Fashion. She is not afraid of falling, for she can ride very well. Fashion seems proud to feel such a nice little burden on his back.

It is an old saying that "God helps them who help themselves," and in the case of Lizzie Farnshaw the axiom became a living truth. While the rest of her family suffered and magnified their sufferings, she, by a vivid imagination, placed herself in the path of fortune and obtained the thing she demanded.