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Half a nod and the shade of a smile would have been the proper course; and her going along on the road to the valley seemed to say it might easily have been taken; except that there had evidently been a bit of a scene. Potts ranked Henrietta's beauty far above her cousin Livia's.

But be it admitted, that to any one loving colour, music, chivalry, the Island of Drab is an exile. Imagine, then, the strange magnetism drawing her there! Could warmer proof be given? 'Adieu. Livia's "arch-plotter" will weigh the letter he reads to the smallest fraction of a fraction before he moves a step. 'I could leave it and come to it again and add and add.

He sets lessons to her queer maid reading, writing, pronunciation of English. An inferior language to Welsh, for poetical purposes, we are informed. So Janey determining to apply herself to Welsh, and a chameleon Riette dreading that she will be taking a contrary view of the honest souls as she feels them to be when again under Livia's shadow.

He always liked playing with children: as emperor, would often stop in his walks through the streets to join in a game with the street-boys. But with Livia's elder son, Tiberius, he was different. Tiberius had no charm of manner: Drusus his brother quite put him in the shade. He carried with him the scars of his babyhood's perilous adventures, and the terror of that unremembered night of fire.

She was doing her utmost to gratify him, 'for the purpose of paving a way to plead Janey's case. She was almost persuading herself she was enjoying the remarks of his friend, confidant, secretary, or what not, Livia's worshipper, Mr.

"At first you 'most can't stand it, but you get over the worst of it bymeby. Besides, we're getting 'most through now. Ain't that splendid, Thomas Jefferson? And it's pretty lucky, too, because Aunt 'Livia's birthday is getting very near. It it almost scares me. Doesn't it you? For I don't know how Aunt 'Livia looks when she's pleased you think she'll look pleased, don't you, Thomas Jefferson?

"I was vexed at first to have a servant with such dreadful scars all over him; but he is more presentable now. And he has a very droll way of saying bright things. What fun he has made of Livia's dear mother, his former mistress! I shall have to give up reading any wise authors, if it will make me grow like Valeria.

Livia put the question, she put it twice rather sternly, and the girl came out with: 'Oh, he meant it! The nature, the pride, the shifty and furious moods of Lord Fleetwood were painted frightful to her. She had conceived her own image of him. Whether to set her down as an enamoured idiot or a creature not a whit less artful than her brother, was Countess Livia's debate.

None moved her; none could come near to touching the happy insensibility of a wife who adored her husband, wrote to him daily, thought of him by the minute. Her former worshippers were numerous at Livia's receptions; Lord Fleetwood, Lord Brailstone, and the rest. Odd to reflect on they were the insubstantial but coveted wealth of the woman fallen upon poverty, ignoble poverty!

Moreover, Augustus never wore any other togas than those woven by Livia; woven not indeed and altogether by Livia's hands, though she did not disdain, now and then, to work the loom, but by her slaves and freed-women. Faithful to the traditions of the aristocracy, Livia counted it among her duties personally to direct the weaving-rooms which were in the house.