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What if it were the Lady Alice, and the song were that well-remembered one of Comus which she had sung, when a young girl, eleven years before, in the Hall of Ludlow Castle, before the assembled guests of her father's Welsh Presidency, her proud mother then among the listeners, "Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph that liv'st unseen Within thy airy shell"?

Hear thou the Word of God, that will thee tell, Without repentance thieves must go to hell. But should it be as thy false prophet says, Yet nought but loss doth come by thievish ways. All honest men will flee thy company, Thou liv'st a rogue, and so a rogue will die. Innocent boldness thou hast none at all, Thy inward thoughts do thee a villain call.

Thou liv'st in the isles of the blest, 'tis said, With Achilles, first in speed, And Tydides Diomede. In a wreath of myrtle I'll wear my glaive, Like Harmodius and Aristogeiton brave, When the twain on Athena's day Did the tyrant Hipparchus slay. Even now, more than thirty years later, the breeze in the Sabine ilex seemed to be playing a wraith of the same tune.

Nor love thy life, nor hate, but what thou liv'st, live well. How long or short permit to heaven. Let us find our model less in the conquering Saxon and more in the dying Saviour. Christ died that we may live; and for the same purpose all created life has passed away.

"Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph, that liv'st unseen, Within thy airy shell, By slow Meander's margin green, Or by the violet embroidered vale Where the lovelorn nightingale Nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well; Sweet Echo, dost thou shun those haunts of yore, And in the dim caves of a northern shore Delight to dwell!"

She is seeking her brothers in the forest, and sings to attract their attention: "Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph, that liv'st unseen Within thy aery shell By slow Meander's margent green, And in the violet-embroidered vale, Where the love-lorn nightingale Nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well; Canst thou not tell me of a gentle pair That likest thy Narcissus are?

Thou of Jerusalem shalt see While as thou liv'st the good, Thou shalt thy children's children see, And peace on Israel's brood. How blessed are we in our day with the poetry of Watts, Wesley, and a host of others, who have supplied the church with beautiful soul-inspiring compositions, without fear to restrain us in using them. Ed.

"Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph, that liv'st unseen, Within thy airy shell, By slow Meander's margin green, Or by the violet embroidered vale Where the lovelorn nightingale Nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well; Sweet Echo, dost thou shun those haunts of yore, And in the dim caves of a northern shore Delight to dwell!"

Live while thou liv'st! for death will make us all, A name, a nothing, but an old wife's tale. But I must not," reluctantly. "I know that." The Syndic had lowered his hand; but he still sat with his eyes averted, gazing sullenly at the corner of the floor. "I knew it when I came," Basterga resumed after a pause, "and therefore I was loth to speak to you." "Yes." "You understand, I am sure?"

Aware of the thunder's rattling roll, Of the winds and the waves when without control, Of the cries where the village shepherds stroll, Reply thou giv'st; Yet thou thyself, without one answering soul, A poet liv'st. Sometimes it was our simple hosts who led the conversation, which then, especially as they became at ease with us, always drifted more or less into the supernatural.