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At the end of ten or twelve hours the composition must be filtered, and if crystals be formed, it contains no alum. But if it be adulterated, the sediment will split into small segments, which will adhere to the filtering paper on which it is spread. In order to detect the litharge or sugar of lead, a few drops of the solution of yellow orpiment and quicklime should be poured into a glass of wine.

Green oxide of chromium 1 part, flux No. 3, 3 parts, triturate and melt. Antimonic acid 2 parts, subsulphate of iron 1 part, flux No. 1, 10 parts; melt and pour out. The subsulphate of iron may be increased a little, the proportions of flux vary. Litharge 18 parts, sand 6 parts.

The manner of using them is to moisten, with water, the spots on the cloth, rubbing the ball over, and leaving it to dry in the sun. On washing the spots in the water they will immediately disappear. CLOTH, RAIN PROOF, &c. To render cloth wind and rain proof. Boil together 2 lbs. of turpentine, 1 lb. of litharge in powder, and 2 or 3 pints of linseed oil.

Reclaimed rubber is not to be considered as an adulterant, except in the same sense as fillings, like whiting, litharge or barytes, the use of which in rubber compounds often gives to the product desirable qualities that are unobtainable by the use of "pure gum."

UMBRELLA VARNISH. Make for umbrellas the following varnish, which will render them proof against wind and rain. Boil together two pounds of turpentine, one pound of litharge in powder, and two or three pints of linseed oil. The umbrella is then to be brushed over with the varnish, and dried in the sun.