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Literal, from his place in the background, could not help saying to the Masked Lady, "Why is it that ladies with baritone voices always have trouble with their objective case?" But the Masked Lady did not reply, and Old Mother Hubbard continued: "There was the case of Mrs. Horner's son her dear, dutiful little Jack. When he ate his Christmas pie, where was he sitting? In a corner!

In addition to these observations it may be recommended, that parents should be careful to give their children what may be called a literal instruction in Christianity, in contradistinction to pure theism, or to those doctrines which they conceive may come from the teachings of the Holy Spirit, so that they may have a more intimate knowledge of all their principles, as a Christian body.

While the gubernatorial commissions gubernatorial in the literal sense of the word, because entirely dominated by the governors were holding their sessions, the satraps-in-chief of the Pale of Settlement, the governors-general, were busy sending their expressions of opinion to St. Petersburg.

"What's pinochle?" "Don't be so literal. How should I know? But it sounds as though they ought to play it." "I like it. It sounds as if it were something where you sort of cracked your knuckles or something.... Let me drive." Anthony looked at her suspiciously. "You swear you're a good driver?" "Since I was fourteen." He stopped the car cautiously at the side of the road and they changed seats.

The process began almost in babyhood, and became habitual like a literal madness. It was felt most keenly at night, when London is really herself, when her lights shine in the dark like the eyes of innumerable cats, and the outline of the dark houses has the bold simplicity of blue hills.

The bishops and doctors of the church, whose evidence attests, and whose authority might influence, the professions, the principles, and even the practice of their contemporaries, had studied the Scriptures with less skill than devotion; and they often received, in the most literal sense, those rigid precepts of Christ and the apostles, to which the prudence of succeeding commentators has applied a looser and more figurative mode of interpretation.

I wish the day were come." "You take it as entirely figurative!" said papa. "I thought just now you made it entirely literal." "What is a figure?" said Mr. Dinwiddie. "And if you take away the literal, where will the spiritual be?" "True," said papa. "These are things I have not studied." And then we mounted to the height of Neby Samwil and sat down for a good long look. Mr.

'How literal you are, Eglantine! 'Am I? I think you do me injustice, Edith dear, returned the amiable guest with a tinge of stateliness as she rolled up her wool. Edith smiled, put down her book, looked at the clock and rearranged the large orange-coloured cushion behind her back. Then she took the book up again, looked through it and again put it down.

But you would expect, when he reduced the allowance to sixteen lac, and took credit to himself as if he had done the thing which he professed, and had argued from his rigor and cruelty his strict and literal obedience to the Company, that he had in reality done it.

Oliver, the most learned of our masonic writers, while undoubtedly himself knowing that it was simply a symbol, has written loosely of it, as though it were a substantial reality; and hence, if the passages in his "Historical Landmarks," and in his other works which refer to this celebrated stone are accepted by his readers in a literal sense, they will present absurdities and puerilities which would not occur if the Stone of Foundation was received, as it really is, as a philosophical myth, conveying a most profound and beautiful symbolism.