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He looked at Kenton with tears in his eyes, but contained himself and decorously summoned a waiter, who brought him whatever corresponds to a city directory in Vienna. "There!" he said, when he had copied into his note-book a number of addresses, "I don't think your hotel will escape us this time;" and discharging his account he led the way to the door, Colonel Kenton listlessly following.

"But you're forgetting your puzzle, Benny. You've put only five pieces together." "I can't do puzzles. there, either." Benny's voice was still mournful. "All the more reason, then, why you should like to do them here. See, where does this dog's head go?" Listlessly Benny took the bit of pictured wood in his fingers and began to fit it into the pattern before him.

"Is not my life's happiness destroyed? Am I not eternally separated from my beloved? Alas! princess, you are much happier than I! You know where, at least in thought, you can find your unhappy friend. Not the faintest sound in the distance gives answer to my wild questionings. My thoughts are wandering listlessly, wearily.

But who are you?" With some effort Lazarus answered: "I was dead." "I heard about that. But who are you now?" Lazarus' answer came slowly. Finally he said again, listlessly and indistinctly: "I was dead." "Listen to me, stranger," said the Emperor sharply, giving expression to what had been in his mind before.

His old easy formality returned as he made his departure. In reply to Pleydon's demand she told him listlessly that she would be here for, perhaps, a week longer. Then he'd see her, he continued, in New York, at the Feldts'. In her room all emotion faded. Pleydon had said that she was still young; but she was sure she could never, in experience or feeling, be older.

Kenelm read it listlessly, with an increased contempt for an artist who could so find in gratified vanity consolation for the life gone from earth. But, listlessly as he read the letter, the sincere and fervent enthusiasm of the laudatory contents impressed him, and the preeminent authority of the signature could not be denied.

Eunice listlessly acquiesced, and then the doctor returned to Embury's bedroom. He looked carefully about. All the details of the room, the position of clothing, the opened book, face down, on the night table, the half-emptied water-glass, the penciled memorandum on the chiffonier all seemed to bear witness to the well, strong man, who expected to rise and go about his day as usual.

As the trio entered and bowed low before her, the young Queen glanced listlessly at her visitors for a moment, and then a look of interest crept into her eyes, such as Malachi had not seen there for months, causing his heart to leap within him as he wondered whether this young doctor had indeed the power to perform a miracle and effect the cure of the lovely young creature upon whom the hopes of the whole nation depended.

Suzanna, arranging the pantry the next morning, sought her mother upstairs with a domestic announcement. "The vinegar bottle is empty," she said. "And the gherkins all ready," cried Mrs. Procter. "Will you run over to Mrs. Reynolds and ask her for some vinegar, Suzanna?" Listlessly, Suzanna returned downstairs, and from the pantry procured a cup.

"That excellent brother of mine may yet discover it in the garden dirt." "Dirt breeds roses," said Kathleen. "Oh, look, dear, how earnest he is about it. What a boy he is, after all! So serious and intent, and so touchingly confident!" Geraldine nodded listlessly, considering her brother's evolutions with his trowel and weeder where he lay flat on his stomach, absorbed in his investigations.